14 THE: HESPERIAN )) SI CAMERA $i $i lou can photograph anything Instantnneous or time expob ure U'o pre pure nil apparatus, plates, humlcnls. etc. you tol low directions. Aiuoiiq Willi thN camera can boon lcurn the nrtof photograph). It will lu a nice present for vacation. Oct It now. Tench ourself. Prepared plates only 25 cents per dozen, Lots ol f un fur ecnts. Uy mall Si.Oo. $l CAMERA $i Si If Ht nny time within a yenr you desire to trade for one of our Util'EATiNGcumeruH. wo will allow you $1.00 and take back thu one jou buy The repenting rnmtra Is like the repeMtliiK rllle You photograph one pinto and Instantly phuo ntiother In position Xo trounle or bother. You loul It at home and snap the picture" at your pleiisure. Any child enn hnndlo It This Is h new device never put on the market before Moo. fl.oo, Jsoo accorulng toilzo and number of plntcg Addrcfh, Agents can make money. A. H. CRAIQ, Mukwonago, Wis, o S ARTISTIC Fnotographer OUR SPECIALTY Firt Clas Work in nil BrniiehM. See nur work nut! get prices on groups. SPECIAL PI! ICES TO STUDENTS. UNIVERSITY (JAP ml GOWN MAKERS CO ITRRLL- & LEONARD, Allwiij, N.Y. Makns to t lie Amciican Uni versities. Illustrated bulletin on request MWmH M " THAT3 MY WASHOU"1 ANDOLINS Gurm iTAKSA a The Washburn is the one and only make of world-wide reputation. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere from 315.00 upward. Imi jited extensively, so be sure that the name "George Washburn" is burned upon the inside. A beautiful Washburn Book contain ing portraits and letters from the De Reszkes, Calve1, Eames, Nordica, Scal chi and 100 other famuiis artists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept U, LYON & HEALt Ctr. WtlNMh Aw. wwt Mun $L, Cfckf. First National Bank CAPirrAJL. - S400,ooo.oo I). D, Mulr, President, U.S. Freemnn Cashier W. 0. Phillips. Ass'tCashlor. Wo tnko special pains to please students when fiirnisning them with COAL AND WOOD. Hutchins & Hyatt JOSy-Office, 1040 O htrcet. Phone 2fir., The Largest Manufacturers of Athletic and Bicycle Supplies and Uniforms in the world. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. THE NAME THE GUARANTEE OlUeial Outfitters to the Loading College. Athletic Club and Sch-iol Teitiis of the U. S. EVERY REQUISI ID FOR BASE BALL, Athletic Spuria and I'ast lines The Spalding Ofliclal League Ball a-loptcd by Nn- tioual Minor, College and Sehool Leagues. Base Ball Uniforms, Bats, Gloves, Chest Protectors, Shoes, etc. 1898 Models The Spalding Chainlets Bicycle The Spalding Blue Racer, Chain The Spalding Road Wheel, Chain. Send lor Illustrated Catalogue of all Athletic sport c'hicS. G.Spalding & Bros. n"deipbto GG CO 0 CO H CO H O .,-4 CO SS S3 s & ! cr3 as xo- o-t xo-c ax ce j; - ! 'C t 1' CO c -OC CD i-CO-C j f - r i-- 4x T.ca.c ' frt M MM BM M MW Mot k 3 P XO- - C3- x-eo-c HIM t. " . . U , o e-1 W" Q --.--, x , KgB Q v-ex -co- o- .-ox -o- j. f. S J-- -o- -- -o- -c-r 0U.0 t -o- -o- -cs i -es-s -oa- Clg . j m. i -xo -g j-o-c TJtl l O '"' -0-i oo- 50 o- J ft 33 C. ---o--s9-. -- 2 J 0"t eo' -- -iQih ji ot y s t " V 3- - - a-. , CC 1 r 3,M ,a,' KO' " " S 5, Cfl ce " 'Ca-c moc m -Ort O " - C n"0 c ko- -cj o -o-c ix x U"S Z -( io.c oa i i.ca- a- imii V'iTv j2 'w i m i om iepinr mom k 5