The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 18, 1898, Page 13, Image 13
TILE Yk HESPERIAN i:j Vou run norlk when you buy hocs:it the Foot Form SUm- 1213 Ost- Thy always haw tho laloht stltw, Their price? avo ro.i- onnblo. Their hnus lil and wyif woll. A Difficult FrobJetnCan You Solve It. Dkak Teacheus: When I was a lad of sixteen, 1 found in Adam's Aiithuitk tln full iwlng problem which I ofl'ei you for .olution: KXAMPI.K. Wlu'iv should :v pole liO feet high he broken that tho top may rost on tin1 ground -III feet from the lta? Answer: MJ feet. Until 1SD4 1 was unable to solve th'w example, be lilting it was not a true arithmetical question, but at tnaMime I was placed in a position where 1 must prove ii or acknowledge in public a defeat. I solved it ami finally evolved a simple explanation. I now offer it to you It, is not algebraical in auv manner If you desire any instruction write enclosing stamp. It will be good practice to try even if von fail to get satisfaction by your own efforts. (Jive it to onr advanced pupile and if any of them obtain a :ui factory explanation eml it to me Very Respectfully. A. 11. Ckaig, Mukwonago. U rOMHBW Special Sale in all departments now Shoes, Clothing, Fuiiiishings ready to wear or made to order at reduced price at present MAYER BROS Dont Experiment. Get the best in the first place. There are. FOUNTAIN 1'ENS tintl Kountnln riin You want the CENTURY. fully warranted XrIoo ( untl up. Ask our agent to show them to yon Century Pen Co., Whitewater, Wis. When you write Q. R. WOLF & Co. Manufacturer of FINE CIGARS 10!) 0 Street. i . F S KINO FINE WATCH REPAIRING Scientific -Refracting Optician Weak sad Strained Kyes Successtully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost rime. 1800 O Stroet, Lincoln, Neb. Km9 To your friends w Im arc coinui wreM to Yiitityon jutt :uld a poRtticript like this: "Uv stir to take the BurlingtoB ont. If t much the best " You are quit- -afe in iJoinif this be-i--iuse our service from Chicago, Poo ria. St. Louis and Kana City, iu fact nil eastern southeastern and -oiitherii cities U just .is flood as our service to those points. And that.a everyone who in acquaioted with i tvi II testify, i the best there jr. Tickets and tiin tables on appli cation at B. & M. depot or city office corner 10th and O ktreeJii G. W. BUNNELL, C. P. & T. A. Llnooln, :Nefc. Oataphortsir for pain tebs filling. DR. F. D. SHERIVIN. DENTIST, Boom if Burr Meek, Stcand Foot Mullett Bros. PJwtographic Supply Co. 518 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, - MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carbutt'g, Ham mer and Seed's Dry Platw. "Write for prices and particulars,