The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 18, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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A.monjsr'tlio Greekw.
H. Wiggcnhorn of Ashland visited his
brother E. A. at the Phi Psi House last week.
S. 0. Langworth E. X. '91 was a recent
University visitor.
The Phi Delta Thetas have added a culi
nary department to their chapter house.
Frank Lehmer is now wearing Phi Kappa
Psi colors.
Ed. Cramb, Beta, visited with his parents
at Fairbury this week.
A. C. Hershey joined Beta Theta Pi last
Ralph Saxton Sigma Chi '97, of Edgar, was
a Uni. visitor this week.
David Burks, Beta, of Fairbury. is enjoy
ing University life this week.
Phi Delta Theta initiated J. D. Hnstie and
T. J. Roddy "Wednesday evening.
The Phi Psis listened to a very pleasant
talk by Prof. Fossler, Sunday, at their chap
ter house 1630 G- street.
Mr. Earl Wehn was initiated by the Sigma
Chis. last week. Mr. "Wehn is one of the
most, talented musicians in Lincoln.
The Kappa Alpha Thetas have placed then
colors on Misses Jessie MacFarland, and
Winifred Hill.
The active and alumni members of the lo
cal chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma are busy
making arrangements for the National Con
vention which will beheld in Lincoln in July.
Kappa Sigmas celebrated the first anniversa
ry of their organization Saturday night by
giving a banquet. Mr. L. H. Bobbins was
toastinaster. The following responded to
trots: Towl, Grant, Shuff, Schwartz, Culver,
Sloan, Little, Patch, Fisher, Daves, Matson,
Hodge and McNish.
IliCTli School IVoteN.
Pawnee City people are considering the ad
visability of voting bonds for a new high
schoal building. The present building is in
bad condition.
The University has a genuine friend in
Snpt. MacMurray of Humboldt. He became
acquainted with the University a few years
ago supporting Kansas in one of the Kansas
Nebraska debates.
The Crabtree Forensic Club of the Beatrice
high school has developed some strong de
baters and good parliamentarians in that high
school. The debating clubs of the University
will get some recruits from there next year.
Inspector Crabtree will leave next Saturday
on an extensive trip. He will spend some
time in educational circles in each of the fol
lowing places: Minneapolis. St. Paui. Chic
ago, Chatanooga and St. Louis.
Oollofr- ofLii-w TVoIok.
Too much politics.
Most of the boys have tried to forget; a few
have actually recovered.
The Maxwell Club will elect officers to-morrow
evening. The prospect for a scrap, it is
to be regretted, is not so favorable as might
be expected.
Congressman Maxwell, ex-chief justice of
the state supreme court, finished his course of
lectures on "Code Procedure" this week.
It is said that tin juniors have a class or
ganization despite the fact that no class
meetings or elections are held.
The officers of the senior class for the pre
sent term are: J. H. Kemp, president; Roaoh
vice president and Hines, secretary.
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