The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 18, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE : HESPi&lAX
Ecee Homo J
Birthday Greetingl
Patriotism is larger than party.
"Some day we shall insist that all meu be honest"
Labor and learning have not yet been divorced on
t he grounds of close relationship.
'One Friday night two little maids
Their nightly vigils kept;
They drew down closely all the shades
And neither winked nor slept "
Remainder of MS. not now aeeussible.
(,A non-partisan epic.)
The delegation one and all
Had gathered in the chapel hall
From nearest and from distant state.
Moth largo and small and low and groat.
Who with instructions had been sent.
To name and choose a president.
A man of note and speaking power,
Promptly at the appointed hour
Arose and said with greatost ardor
I move the meeting come to order.
Now first, to do the thiug up right,
We'll have a chairman for the night.
Others arose to speak, and then
Named "George" and Warner as the men.
The vote was polled and Kindler won
Majority one hundred one,
But Warner with his ninety-six
Attempted now the thing to "fix."
Said he, with spirits over bold,
"There five less names, than votes, you've polled.
And as for fairness, now we strive,
We'll just cutoff this extra five.
Now this will make the vote a tie"
'Twas answered with a roar, a cry
While as one man the Titans rose
This fair decision to oppose.
Warnei' with his rulings loud
Tried to soothe the angry crowd
Who standing up on seat or chair
Madlj pulled thnir "foot-ball" hair.
When Presto then upon the scone
The "Chance" with word- aud nccontkeen
Hushed low the noise of voices there
To lend their ear te reason fair.
Said he in words which Canfield lent,
"Young man I would not give a cent
For all of you on pleasure bent
Who could not stow a calf each year
Up in our belfry tower here"
Then rose a sage from out the throng
To help to push the thing along
1 move that Chancellor Mao Loan
O'er this assembly wisely reign.
He ruled decisive in his place
And fair and firm with courteous grave.
The standing vote declared it fail
That Kindler should hold down t'ie chair
But when the Chancellor retired
A dozen men with anger lired
Jump to the front their rights maintain
Alas t'was worse than Warner's reip '
They liled the stage all round about
With '"Mr. Pres'dent" in angry shout
Till in the turmoil, at. last
They "unknown resolutions" passed.
Republicans with all their might
Then "bled and died" for truth and right.
Just then a gentle zephyr breeze
Caused by the Populistic wheeze.
Put out the light. Then fell a gloom
That silenced all within the room.
College ZVoteM.
The expenses of inviting an out of town girl to
the "Prom" at Yale is estimated at from 200 to 81500
Then are throe standpoints from which to meas
ure the value of literary society work 1st. Fellow
ship: 2d, Development; :id, Practical work in speak
ing an t parliamentary law. The Cornelliau.
From statistics compiled from Appletou's Ency
clopedia of America it is seen that one man in ev
ery forty graduating from college attains disiincliou
while the proportion of men not college graduates,
who attain distinction is one in every ten thous.i.i .
The proportion in favor of college men is 250 to 1.
They played at cards on the yellow sand,
When the fields ami the trees were green :
She thought that the trump was in her hand,
He thought that he held the queen
But winter has come and they both have strayed
Away from the throbbing wave
He finds 'twas only the deuce she played.
She tinclv that he plajed the knave.
Buown Mauazink.
Monthly. IVlvrin.; 5 1 ,
The Eminent Actor
aud the same excellent company
By a Popular Vote
Mr. Morrison will appear as "Mephisto," hift
original creation, played by him over -i,000
times in Goethe's sublime poem play
Superb scenery, properties, electrical oil'eetx.
A production of splendor.
Seats on sale Saturday 10 a. m.
Prices: ll, 75c 50 and SMSc