TILE : HESPERIAN ! accomodations, littlo apparatus and small financial aid our Univeisity began its exis tence. Every year saw it grow; every year saw it fix itself more firmly in the affections of the people; every year saw it reach out and take a stronger hold on the public regard. And as it received the favor of the people of the developing commonwealth, it gave in re turn, an education, a liberalization, a culture to the sons and daughters of that same com monwealth. And so the people loved it for what it did for them, and gave it their best without stint or murmur. The years went by and it grew ever strong er, until today it is the pride of a state whose greatest ambition is to contain an intelligent and a cultured people. Around it is an at mosphere of hope and ambition: in it is a body of men striving for the best in life and the life to come. With a faculty of earnest men and women, and authorities whose ev ery thought is of its progress, the University on this Charter Day may well congratulate it self and make merry on the deeds of the past, the work of the present and the hope of the future. Esto perpetua! AJiimui Nolex. Mr. O. 11. Bowman '94, Sup't of the Wav erly schools was a university visitor Saturday. Win. Grant C. E. "97 is now employed in the B. & M. engineering office in the city. C. E. Crownover C. E. '97 who is in the employ of the B. & M. at Omaha, spent Sun day in Lincoln. J. V. Z. Cortelyou '97 teacher in the Hum boldt schools, spent Sunday with friends in the city. Ada Graham 197 writes that she is enjoying her work at Central Citjr. At the meeting of the Civil Engineering Club last Thursday, J. A. Sargent gave a very interesting talk on engineering work along the blufls of the Mississippi. The next meet ing of the club will be held in the usual place. Jinnm R. TTniversitv Hall, on March 3rd. Mr. , . . Joe Sayer will spend next Friday evening at Wcslovan. Mr. and Mrs. Libby of Table Rock have registered for work in the. University this se mester. Miss Mabel Thomas will assist in teaching evening classes at the Graham-Taylor course for the remainder of the school year. The couic in Money. Banking and Bimet allism under Prof. W. G. L. Taylor is prov ing exceedingly interesting this semester. The members of Dclian Society are glad to hear that Miss Angia Kora. one of their most popular members of last year, is successful as principal of a school in the western part of the state. The University Glee and Banjo club will give a concert at the Oliver this evening. The club will be assisted bv Miss Marion Treat soprano and Mrs. D. A. Campbell contralto. The University is proud of the (flee club and the concert promises to be well attended. Next Sunday at 9 a. in. the Bay of Prayer for the student bod will be observed in Deliau hall. This is a joint meeting of the Christian Associations and will take the place of the regular four o'clock services. Mr. Thatcher will lead. All students are invited. Work on the senior class book is progress ing. The committee is doing hard work and an elaborate publication will probably be got ten out. In order to make the book a siicceR" the committee must have the interest and co ojKiraiion of the student Inxry. The Union Society Annual Musicallc last Friday was well attended. Those taking pari Mere Misses ityrtle Young, Harriet Cooke, Weber, Nettie Young, Anderson, Athens, Ferris, Annetle Abbott, Mrs. Chap man and Mr. Evans. A critical report, was received too late for publication. J. D. Denison lias resigned as manager of the baseball team. He has been compelled to do this because unable to give the work sufficient time. Lieut. Stotensburg and Fred Kyons will take up the work where Mr. Denison left it. As 3fr. Jtvons has been Rnlirha.ufrli will ffive a talk on the air-lift. pump and Mr. Iteedy will discuss Power kept in touch with the large correspondence Pumps. Not only are the civil engineers carried on by Mr. Denison the resignation, urged to attend but all -who are interested in will in no way interfere with the success of engineering topics are invited to be present. base ball season of '98,