13 CHARLES B. GREGORY, First National Bank Coaly Coke and Wood c. Ijlncoln, TVobronlcu.. iPlTAL - 100,000.00 THE : lltSSPltJIUAK Cornor lltli ail O, Phono :t t:t. VnrdH, 1-ltli nnd V. llotio t8H. I) 1) Muir, Prcbldent, II. n Freeman Cashier. , W C. Phillips, AFk't Cashier. Photographs mM Special rates to students f "' " ' TL fooft tAO :rW?.-r .-o "-'''VCOtN.W Silver M ""al awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown N. Y., June, 97. Special Sale in all departments now Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings ready to wear or made to order at reduced price at prenent MAYER BROS Dont Experiment. Qet the best in the first place. There are FOUNTAIN PENS mid. IToujitiilii I'enn You want tbo CISIVXUItY. folly Warranted Xrloo 42. OO nnd up. Ask our agent to snow thorn to you Century Pen Co., Whitewater, Wis. G. R. WOLF & Co. Manufacturer of FINE CIGARS 10311 O Stiout. p c kTNQ fine watch repairing Scientific- Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Eyes Successfully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost Time. 1800 O Street, Lincoln, Neb. Oataphorcsis for painless Jilting. DR. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST, Room 17 Burr Block, Second Foot When you write To your friends who are eonaintf went to visit you jutt aild a postscript like this: ''Be ttr 10 take the Burlington Roul. If a much the best " You are quite safe in doing this be cause our service from Chicago, Po rin, St. Louis nnd Kansas City, iu fact all eastern, southeastern and .tout hern o.tieu is just as good as our service to thos- points. And that, a cveiyono who h acquainted with it vil!tStifv. IK Ibtf be.st thnrn I Tickets and time tables on appli cation at U. & M. depot or city offlc vorr.nr immi anu j streets vc (i. W. UONNELL, C. P. & T. A. TJnooln, Nob. Mullett Bros. Photographic Supply Co. 518 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carbutt'p, Ham mer's and Seed's Dry Plates. Write for prices and particulars,