The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, February 04, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Wmicm.. mi mm m
lued Weekly by the IIkm-mhan AMiciATioNof llio University
of Nctmiskn.
irift copy, per college year, In ad vuncc
'no copy, one semester
special cnricii'or will tic m ide to matcu Cms IIkspeiuan Inter
o'lni; to former students, rl m sen 1 in your Mil)orIptlins.
nr3iib:rlptloin on our bojks will he oontlnnuU until
ordered Mopped.
ddncsi nil coin imiiIc nlons to Tun IIk-i-krian, Unlvowlly
of Wlirits&i.'iln. (ibniikii.
to be disousscd in the cohuns of a college pa
per, lie is unlit to represent the University
in any intor-collcgiato debate. Severe meas
ures should bo resorted to and the guilty
parties apprehended. And when this is done
they should be deprived of library privileges
or at least debarred from participating in the
K It iMflfilY Matjaoiso Uiiitok
r K. KIJRKKTOV .... Ahmstavt
I. E. AlU.MKOItJ) - Business Muiingur
J. It DKVISON Editorial
i K. 1IAOKK ... . News
.; 11AWXBY IlObHtOb
IJIM UUlMtKKT .... 1'rntwiitili
I'. K 1IEEDEK - . Dlnmoiiil Uitbt
lii O.DKUVUV ... Mtcmrj-
II O UrTMN i. .ul
OCVU inwltl) Mllltitty
hl.OCIIE 10KEV U,ej
MMU'llA CIIAI'J'EI.I. - Alumni
Mi:;rKKITK CON'IKYMAN .... i.i
H 4. niKniiAUt .... Athletic
Truth duec hurt some people.
A Univei.iity paper is for the Univcrrity
and its students; it should reflect student sen
timent, further student enterprise and advo
cate student interest. It is int. a more 'rooter'
or a scribe endorser of 'all that is.' Its col
umns, while op.'ii to all, are not open to be
filled with moire bilge-water' and loose, word
combinations. It should bow to rightful
regulations and upright authority, foster the
good and bettor, condemn the servile, puncture
prjtonsos, and strive to reform the wrong. Xo
college publication is worth the reading which
is not fearless and outspoken in its advocacy
of what id wise and right. As long as the
liiiSPHiu.vx is published it will stand for the
correction of abuses, the betterment of moral
ity, the upbuilding of uprightness, the uphold
ing of equality and fairness in all University
a flairs.
The Hesperian s.ibscription list continues
to grow.
Some one has been mean eno igh to suggest
that our 'e3teemjd' contemporary received its
common appellation the "Rag" from the
threaubarfine33 of its contents.
The "Rag" is in its element. The organ
of filth, 'official notices,' obituary poetry and
resolutions of on.ljlenee has ranted. To it
the pugnac'ous professional footballist is a
hero; to it inconsistency and hypocris' are
virtues; to it an ofliebu? censorship of the
CDllcse Tres3 is a blessinrr. TTnminiirnl nf ri
One week S. U. I. students break up the rnlc3 of decency or fairne33 this recepticle of
"C.ierry SisterV show; a riot oeenrs; the fire cilumny anl civil lm fercj.1 it3 offensive self
company disperses them by turning a hoe on once more into the presence of the public,
the crowd. A few are arre3ted, one is lined. Having hopelo3ly failed to gain recognition
The next week the Sophs, interfere with a on merit it ha3 apparently resolved to increase
Fre3h. binsuat. S jveral of the form .r nr its dem .M'its until so odious that. ii. tnnut. Tin
kidnapped, one young laly is crippled for life, noticed if only to be spurn -d. Lacking in
aid twenty-three a-nYiLiom kidnappers are fairnei an J intelligence it ha? based its claim
Buspn led for th j rem tin ler of the year. Ye.3,
Quill, you are rapidly sinking to the level of
schools "more nearly your own caliber."
The librarian complains that lorks bearing
on the subjects to be dUeaned in the final
preliminaries are rapidly disappearing from
thj library. Tiii nfchi.'il atari .1 l.O nf r.n et-.n.
dent who swipes books in this way is too low and self respect never belonged to it. It never
Come in and see our New Spring Style Boob Form Store
to ree ignition on epithet? below the bowery,
and a display of bad rh.ithoric and orthogra
phy that would put to shamt the budding
freshman. Not content with being nobody it
has decided to be ho low as to attract atten
tion by its very depth of depravity. Decency
is lorgitton, Honesty is lost sight of, fairness