The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 28, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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who was lying under the tree again, and went
the way I came. As I emerged from the tall
weeds I saw in the so-called cornfield the crip
pled woman vainly endeavoring to catch a
frisky gray colt. The colt would stand still
until she had almost reached it and then go
galloping away. I waded through the weeds
to where the colt was, and after much running
caught it and led it back to the woman. As
I handed her the rope she smiled gratefully
and with a low "Dank" toiled her way back
to her home. A. S. Jonxsox.
The Frying: JPmi.
Charter Day comes but once a year; let us
be merry when it is here. Alas, about the
only way to jollify now is to get some of the
old timers to tell how they celebrated the glor
ious 15th in the days when the student body
was something different from what it is in the
year 1S08. For Cliarter Day was instituted
by the regents especially for the benefit of the
student body, and in days of yore there were
high old times on the campus when the holi
day arrived. "How well I remember the
night," some University '49er will start out
and then he'll relate a yarn of the good old
times the boys-and girls-gave themselves for
a birthday present. It was usually a per
formance in the chapel, managed, as a matter
of course by the two literary societies. There
were plays, general programs, and once a
most heart-rending "sell" which is famous in
the records of student doings. Then there
were faculty take-offs, exceeding in cleverness
any modern class day attempt, and the faculty
members were present and laughed with the
the rest.
The ordinary student knows nothing of
what the university has been, and can hence
form no just conception of what it was or will
be. It does little good to exploit the old tra
ditions. But the immensely important class
election scraps of today or any day are not
very worthy of preservation in song or story.
Imagine the college graduate who lias no
storys of college life to tell. There will be
plenty such in the ranks of U. of N. alumni
The Frying Pan will throw out these suggest
ions: Let the literary societies arrange a meet
ing of some sort for the Charter Day celebra
tion, dither jointly or .any other way. Make
it a hummer. The chapel wont hold the
crowd but the societies are used to that.
There are several famous literary society men
in this vicinity now. Make use of them.
They've got more enthusiasm even yet than
any dozen students of the modern grind-stone
period. They are full of yarns as well as
wisdom. Get them to unload. And then do
something yourself which the audience will
remember and will tell their grand children
about some day. Make this a Charter Day
feature and the Uni. will have reason to be
grateful! The literary society "show" of the
big quarter-centenial celebration three years
ago was said to be the best part of the pro
ceedings. Do it again! 3
A.nioirg" tlie Greekw.
Messrs. Copeland and Hunger joined Alpha
Pau Omega this week.
Roy Steele has been pledged by Alpha Tau
C. H. True, who has been suffering from an.
attack of malarial fever, is much better. He
is at the home of Prof. Owens.
Fred Tullos '00 Beta lias severed his con
nection with the University to take up the
management of a large western live stock con
cern. Mr. Tullos will make his headquarters
at Chadron.
Will Lehman, Beta, spent Sunday with his
parents in Columbus.
The father of Jim Burks and Mrs. Harley,
formerly Miss Martha Burks, died at his home
in Beatrice last Friday night.
F. C. Cooley went to Omaha last week to
attend the ice caraivaL
Judge Fawcett is lecturing to the junior
laws this week on Insurance.
J. L. Wallace ably conducted Hie senior
law 'quiz' Tuesday, in the absence of Prof.
The Y. M. C. A. will meet as usual Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. "The Disposal of Our
time" will be the subject for consideration. R.
A. Campbell will lead.
The Sophomores had a lively meeting yes
terday aiternoon. Geo. P. Griffith was elected
president; H. J. Theobald, vice-president;
Mamie Miller secretary and R. D. Andreson,
sergeant-at-arms. After considerable ''scrap
ping" the election of a Junior Annual Board
was postponed.
Tle JEot JToron. Will Coatiaoe TAiir 1 OanSal Till Xsub SM,