i .1 ill1 1MgTP"taMWKM lUBBgB THK : HESPERIAN '' ' l;i r a '!J i i ' ; CHARLES B. GREGORY, First National Bank Coal, Coke and Woodt,mXvm2lTti 000.00 Corner 1 lfcli unci O. Ilion :-l. YardM, lltli unci "Y. IMionc -tfcN. 1). I. Mulr, President, II. .s Frccuuin Cns-hlcr V. 0. I'lillllps. Axt-'t Cnhler. Photographs jgfe 0iflK.ggk Special rates to students -f ia X-McbiN. Silver Medal awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown, N. Y., Juno, 07. MAYER BROS FOE FINE TAILOEING Clothing Ready to Wear, Furnishing Goods HATS and SHOES G. W. KLINE and DICK REED, of State University in Shoe Dopt.. HAROLD HEWITT, " " Furnishing Department. Dont Experiment. Get the best in the first place. There are FOUNTAIN PENS unci X"ouiitutii rent You waul the CENTURY. FULLY WARRANTED Price 82.00 unci up. Ask our agent to show them to you. Century Pen Co., Whitewater, Wis. When you write J. E. HOTJTZ, Lemiuff's Old Stand Bookseller Stationer and Dealer in Wall Paper A now lino of Teachers' Bibles just received jc g KING F,NE WATCH REPAIR,NC Scientific-; Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Eyes Successfully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost Time. 1800 O Street, Lincoln, Nob. To your friends w ho are coming west to visit you just add st postscript, like this: "Be sure (o take the Burlington Route. It's much the best ' You are quite afe in doing this be cause our service from Chiurgo, Peo riu, St. Louis ,11ml Kansas City, in fact all eastern, southeastern and southern cities is just as good as our seruice to those points. And that, as fveiyone who U acquainted with it will testify, is the best there is, Tickets and time tables on appli cation at H. & M. depot or city ofllo corner 10th and () street. (i. V. BUNNELL, C. l & T. A. L,lnooln, '!. Cataphoresit for painless Jlllinu. DR. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST, Room 17 Burr Block, Second Foor Mullett Bros. Photographic Supply Co. Si8 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, - MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carb'utt's, Ham mer's and Seed's Dry Plates. Write for prices and particulars. ,