The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 28, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Dr. Clyde Davis, dentist, Richards block.
Prof. Kimball spent Sunday in Chicago.
If you want a shave, go to Westerlicld's.
Bud Marine has returned to resume his
University work.
K. & C. stands for Kieherso'.i & Coir, the
popular barbers at 1144 O Street.
Guy Slaughter will be in school ne.t
Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. K
corner 12th & O sts Give us a will
Mis j Florence Shank has been confined to
her room this week by sickness.
The Co-op is sailing stationary at a very
low figure.
Jim Llackman was o i the sick list the early
part of the week.
Full line of tablets and history covers at
the Cooperative Book Co
Systcmn.tie Training: in lo
That the present athletic board proposes to
raise the athletic standard of the University
is evinced by its activity on every hand.
Nothing is being left undone to further clean
and strong physical sports. The following
regulations adopted upon recommendation of
Dr. Hastings is especially emphatic with this
1. Every student who represents the Uni
versity in track or field events or is a candi
date for such representation, that is. partici
pates in. or is a candidate for fall or spring
meets, shall take at least one semester of
physical training. This training shall cover
the semester in which the event takes place.
2. The requirements for entry as a contes
tant in such indoor and out door athletic
events, shall be registration for physical train
ing at the oilice of the registrar; physical
" -o J 1'".' -
Dr. Hastings addressed the city Y. M. C. soundness to be ascertained through physical
t-jf 1 A. I 1 1
A. last Sunday afternoon
We do not break collars: they are turned
by hand. The Best Laundry. 224i O stivei.
R. M. Harris '97 spent Sunday with his
parents in the city. He reports school work
at Wahoo progressing.
Gardner tin Tailor ha- put in a m-tv Mock of
men's funii-hhiki gooiN. it you uaut iouietliing
nice rail and see him. iso. West Cor II & O.
J. "W. Scarson. as one of the judges on
manuscript, has been busy the past week with
the orations of the four consestants of the
South Dakota Agricultural College.
examination by the physical director; satis
factory class standing to be ascertained by
reference to the records of the registrar and
regular attendance and practice of a prescribed
course of physical training three times a week.
3. Members of University athletic teams
and candidates for such teams wishing to en
ter field or track events who have taken
during the same University year the regular
season of training under direction of coaches,
and captains, shall, if they so desire, be cred
ited with the time thus spent as so much
toward the semester's training required for
track or field events. By "University Ath
letic Teams" is meant the first eleven in foot
ball, and the first nine in baseball. By "can-
If you want a hair cut go to Westerfield's.
If you want anything in the line of Tonsorial
. fjiiii. nun nit- ninii mill" in u:iKiri!i 1 1 ittr nnvi
work, Westerfield's is the place to find it. , , ,. , ,, . ' J
117 North 13 St dulates lof HUC), leaillHf ,H ,m,ant Ine pmc.
ticing regularly against them.
4. These rules shall take effect at the be
ginning of the second semester of the Univer
sity year, January 31. 181)8.
A literal adherence to these rules will not
merely mean a raising of athletic records; it
will mean fewer injuries and accidents; it will
mean clean athletics and benefits to every
Wantkd Trustworthy and activo (cuiitluiuun or
- ........ ww.. MiiiouF iiiiici I'M ICrtJJlJIJHIUII', (!iaOJiSll(!U house
by hand. No extra charge for repairing. Monthly ir.0 laud expenses. Position Kf'
iki7 riafrw vi,nn. 7r..i ' m',c":. "'' ' Mjf-nidrwHied stomped envelope.
-. v Mww .., ,,. im, uomtijiuii company, Dept. v., Chicago.
Fountain Pens, History Paper. History
Covers, University Note Books, Dictionaries,
Greek and Latin Translations at lowest piices.
Book Dep't. Herpolsheimcr & Co.
Wastku Trustworthy ami active gentlemen or
ladies to travel for responsible, established house.
Monlbry SUS.'iOund expense.-. Position -toady. Kef-
erence. Enclose self-aldivt.seil stampu.l em'elope.
The Dominion Company, Dept V.. Chicago.
Yule Bro3. Hand Laundry. All work done
25 -per cent Discount on Slwes till Jan.. 3D, Foot Form Store 1213 0 Street,