10 THE : HESPERIAN '"' piiu m i . . i m ii hi.. ..in. BIXBY'S RETREAT. Ned Biddol, from Philadelphia, a graduate of Uni. Squelched! of 1n John Boose Miko Dolau, a policeman Geo. Bartlctt Kxanis. are over. Nora lh(? Mai(, LWJ Wj,k,IW0M "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again." Seem-. Parlor of the Martin House at Cambridge I HEA.KD her say IT " Mass. Tlie entertainment will lie one of a high Oh I joy in my heart just to think exams are gone, d""'- Ml- Manning has spent no little time And to know ihi sweets of conscience elear. " energy in preparing her .student to give this JL'.ie pouy t prepared uad us tro.liug hariics on. entertainment. It isgiven for I lie benefit of a worllry Dear Ma may proudly read my grades this year. KMMQ aml isdeserviug of the support of the .student Miw. MANNING subdues THEM. ,n,,ly- It to be hoped that the ehapelwill bo tilled. A football farce slug not to me . -, T7 Of football' brutal cruelty. -v IcwNotONoii Idiotic Anutomy. The stage is here the gnoiron bare ..,. r-. , 1,.. i. ...,i. ,i t.. i. i No more invites the cruel player IhcKiotc ha; howled. Iu the words ol our Now not on scores or boor;-beut iet, his "long silvery -sad imitation has tdiivcrcd Play for the College settlement, lhe silence of the pent-roofed night." wit en is sup- Taen every muscle boldly strain possed to reign in this vicinity. We are hence- JfrEKSSKtf Ei E uoa Mta '" ; - . - ''"'' I-- T.ahed arouud our pfnnant rare ed m Koom V, or thereabouts. T ie btmedictiou of a care Seriously, however, the tirst number of ihtiJCLote, r those wnose darker slia lowy hours in spile of a dozen typographical errors, comes to We brighten w.lu a smile, or llowcrs. ,w , a !lUl,,L.live fm,. Tllu niiiuagurs anj t1 dav ok i-KAVEU kok COLLEGES. be congratulated upon their choice of tvpe. paper Kind heuveu look down in mercy rare U(1 ,orm ' ' ' And he:r a suppliant fervent prayer. ,. ,' On may my ul tne fulluess see lhe initial storv certainly deserves its plaeo in Of genuine sincerity; the M.igazine. To appreciate its fidelity require And may my life work out His plan no tine-pointed literary acutencs. It is a prettv Wuu lived and taught and d.ed-a man. liule story prettily told. P 3 All aUe-deep in dew b prlukled blades ivVTnUnl XtU "7"' V Imraed,?fU- On prairies rim, thy wi. rd and dololul c'y, fl,'lal ,ml lu muml t,,t' umr "f "V nays. Me- A id, through the gloom, the henna owl's reply, thinks I can see the wonderment on my best girl's Oi iii i ve .mled ftom far mysterious glades; face when 1 compliment her upon tier "well looks " Or 'ii.'ii in winter miduilit's starlit shades. And you might have spared u that last "of course " Toe desert's winded bl.ists on-rushing by M5 u , f Oiro.ldeu walls ndowu the gullies nigh, .s luUna- Ti b.ii idles- wilds in clanging cavalcades Sargent's resounding pentameters well express T ty n ite re'vealeil the wilderness to me his "fud throated anger" after one hus read them A 1 1 Nature's larger music taught my soul two or three times to find out what he means. l'ervaJiii ttraiuseuchciit and never end; "The Wmio lilory" is a good study. A fellow is On o her prairies' rim removed, to thee slightly bewildered by the way Mr. Abbutt juggles I greeting se id, tlie wnile 1 mark the roll Willi uis tenses, and one notes some supernuman Of nature hi tliy voice and liiil thee friend. qualities in the "doctor," who says "By thunder!" Not .njant to prove fatal. and calls a man "a !" with "gcutleiieM of voice." As a wuole, however, the sKctch is irawn with care- P'rora.m-Charactei-H. '"' attention to light and shade. Mr. Alexander's Kiote is a .Jacket, and lifts hi ENrEurAiSMa.vr fou the benefit of the college voiee by the side of me mighty is'ilc. settlement. When 1 read "Down in Kgypt" my wrath was ex- University ch ipl, Saturday evening Jan, 2 '03. n",? 'n h",'1 .W "TM . VFord,",th' lh, ,i Ji-i' .1 i , . niall hoy wanilcretli too far from is mother. Af- "Aux Dunes" (a burlesque) ter I had read tlie poem through, I was nlady to Juliett(mirrieJ ut itomeo) Margaret Custer grant impavlitm slue fine. Portia (mirrieu to Bassauio) Mary Wallace . M,ri .'.''T'1 jtMJ,,lrt lo ,,J thoroughly at homo in the ""'"' ('"; " """' " r- am. itS S ".i'Si "A ,fcl"0" "" LnJy M.m;ImiIi KitlieriudWarfel The yelps" are lather well written. Even the It solution -Vaili.ie Parvolov.ia" i'. B. Aldrich thiek-hided Bull of Basiiau" should wince ut such Margaret Custer u V"'ust lls .'"' KVt?' m "'IP" iber two. Bd,..,,,,,,....!,,,,, "l!iyjA2s.,,iSS "lhe Uevoivi.ig Wedge" (afootball farce) fl0u uv I had s.nne doubts uu tnat sc-n-e. Mr. Martin, of Cambridge who oujeets to football 'J-' writer of this s.iorthand report is evidently J P. Howe not much given lo augulai utterancea himself, for B,b ml. kb on, Hazard'. f.m0UJ half Uack M$$&'Xi m