The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 21, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Molforrl (capt)
Kamkct liaill.
Tho first University championship basket
ball game was played on last Wednesday
evening Jan. 12, between the football and
athletic teams. The game wis close,and hot
ly contested the score being L" to 11 in favor
of the atliletics. Benedict did some excellent
work for the football team, throwing most of
the goals. Moore did valiant service for the
atliletics. During the first half Story received
a severe cut on his face by running into a gun
rack and Tlyan took liis place. The line up
Hill (capt i left forward
Story right forward
Moore center
Andreson "W. 15. riglit guard
Andreson R. D. left guard
Officers Referee, Chambers; scorer. B. A.
Yoder; umpires, Hopewell and Hunt.
The second "University championsliip game
was played last Monday evening. On account
of the absence of their two guards the athletic
loam demurod about playing the game, but
since an enthusiastic audience bad gathered
to "witness the game they ''buckled'' into it
with energy and vim. The line tip was prac
tically the same as in the first game. Score,
19 to 7 in favor of the athletic team. Officers
rofereo, Dr. Hastings; umpires. C. L. Allen
and A. L. Keith.
Another basket ball game will bo played
next Saturday evening between tho iLinooln
Y. M. C. A. team and tho athletic loam. Our
team has made rapid improvement since the
last game and we can look for a victory. The
lino up will probably be:
Athletic Y. M. C. A.
Story forward A. Bontly
Hill " Ed. Bently
Benedict center Lewis
"W. E. Andreson guard Dogny
R. D. Andreson " Trompen
Benedict and Moore candidating for center.
A. Yoder, Pillsbuiy and Ryan, substitutes.
Any proceeds loft after tho expenses of the
basket ball games are mot will be used for
needed improvements in the ' 'Gym . ' '
Tho game of basket ball between the Oma
ha Y. M. C. A. and tho University teams Hast
Saturday niglit, resulted in a victory for
Omaha. The score was 10 to 12. Omalia
gained ton points on fouls and throw three
goals. Tho "University threw two goals and
fgot eight points on fouls. The great difficulty
of the University team was mere recklessness.
Our boys have been playing with a loose in
terpretation in regard to fouls. The Omaha
boys, on the other hand, have been playing
under the strictest possible interpretation of
the rules. The officials were strict and of
course the resulting advantage was in favor
of Omaha. The line up of Omaha was the
same as given last week. For the University
the Andrcsons played in their usual places -as
guards; R. A. Benedict played center: Moore.
Story and Hill, forwards.
The charter day indoor exhibition will oc
cupy the time from four to six o'clock on
Charier day. Besides the nine or ten cven'(
already scheduled, two or three cxihittion
games will be played.
.1. D. Hastie has been elected assistant
manager of the football team for next year.
Mr. ITastie graduates in '09 but will remain
here to post. The choice is a good one and in
all probability he will in turn become mana
ger. The fourth contest in the preliminaries for
charter day indoor exhibition which was the
hop, step and jump resulted as follows: Pills
bury, first, 28 ft (5 in; Moore, second, 27 ftiin;
Swallow, third, 2(5 ft 111 in. The next con
test will lake place next Saturday afternoon
.Ian. 22: event, twenty-five yard dash.
The base ball netting is now here and prac
tice has begun in earnest.
Evart of "Wahoo lias begun training and
from appearances he will be a strong candi
date for the out-field.
"Freddie" Barnes of the Milwaukee league
team has been chosen by tho athletic board to
coach the pitchers for tho next two months.
Among the football men who are aspiring
for 7laceB on the team are Melford, Pearse,
"Williams, Cowgill, Halstead, Kindlor, Hay
ward aud Schwartz.
A system of graduate coaching will very
likely be introduced after Barnes gets through
with the pitchers. Benedict '9(5 or Cochran
'95 are available men.
Forty-one men have signified their inten
tions of trying for a place on the team. Dr.
Hastings has given physical examinations to
most of them and finds many well developed
men among them.
Tho management is arranging for a trip lin
to Kansas early in the season, and a Hong
trip oast the latter part of May. The icity
cranks are unusually enthusiastic over tho
team. Tho prospaot tfor a strong team and
the foest financial support could uot battler..