The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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this noblo attempt to keep their sons from col
lege debauchery, as if many of these good
parents had not been praying long and earn
estly that somohow the college authorities
would gather strength to do thoir duty.
Comparisons are inevitable. What would
Ave do with a grill-room? There is still suffi
cient active morality among the students to
make us feel certain that they -would he the
'first to war against the establishment, and
that the war would be short and the result
not at all doubtful. The only regret is thai
we haven't one grill-room only to got rid of,
instead of a town full of saloons and vicious
resorts of all kinds. We could manage the
little inn. but the town is coining unpleasant
ly near managing us. T suppose you couldn't
get a group of intelligent Nebraska parents
together discussing what to do with John or
'Charles -without hearing one sa, 'Well, I'll
never send a son of mine to the aiatc univer
sity." Lincoln mothers are worse than this
'because they do not lay all the blaui-' ou the
'town. Various things they know of student
doings make them dread sending tlhcir bqy
or girl into this whirlpool.
'We are accustomed to believe that our mor
al and ethical standard is higher than the
eastern standard. We're a lirst class set of
ipeople anyhow We could exterminate a
, grill-room without turning our hands over.
Nevertheless it is noised around not very
- .'quietly that the Kansas fellows made and
'took the opportunity to lose over $5000 on
the Kansas-Nebraska game, and a few weeks
'later the Thanksgiving day of our fathers
was closed by a U. of N. jamboree in Omaha.
Some students who wore there reflected in
ipainFul sobriety, while the others dragged
Uhe TJni. colors in the dust. Wo might as
we'll begin to learn from our eastern sister
colleges for "we grows more like dom efory
A good many years ago, a tall, awkward
Tarm boy came to the University and entered
ithe state of propdom." lie was not the
only then, and there have been others since.
jBut 'this awkward boy was a little peculiar.
33is class was small yet ho did not distinguish
. Jtiimsdlf by heaping up high grades. Ho
could do something bettor. Out among tlie
boys he was a power, jolly, one of the most
humorous follows, alive, a good friend, a
splendid lighter, a ''rustler" in all student
activities. AY hen he graduated everyone
knew him as an awkward fellow with a noble
heart and a fine brain thai had shown itself
more in solving the intricate problems of stu
dent life in those days than in class record
books. Me went away, he made his mark, a
good plain one in the annals of liigher schol
arship, 'lie gained honors and titles, and
his .I lmm. Muter wis proud of him. But
words dropped now and then by men wlio
Avore friends and Avorkors Avitli him in the old
days, show that the man did do something
bettor than risk his life, or at any rate liis
soul, for a high standing. The old boys
write to him: there is hardly a street corner
conference oi' alicmn i Avhore friends Avill not
speak of him; sonic of tliom travel miles to
see him and do a service for liim. I suppose
that titles and honors sink into nothingness
'beside this fact.
Tnv: Cook.
GMtIx TJjinIccI lSjill Tonni.
The 'basket ball craze which has struck the
University is not confined to the boys. The
girls nave uot only begun to play but have
organized teams and issued challenges 1o
neighboring teams.
Miss Louise Pound, as captain, has selected
a first and second team. The iirst team is
composed of Misses DuToil, Welch. Spurk,
Cook, Beach and Pound (capt.); the second
team of Misses Eleanor Miller, Daisy Bonuell,
Fritch, Dempster, 'Kennedy and Long (capt.)
The second team is practically as strong as the
first except that the players are smaller Hhan
those in the first. While an oflbrt Avill be
made to got several games with neighboring
teams, the game Avith the Omaha Y. W. C.
A. is practically assured now. The game if
played hero will doubtless attract a large
Miss Millie Nance of oane College is 'vis
iting Miss Burrows this Aveok.
i TrH?T'"8tw" tl,y ll,l(l uutivo etlumonor
m. ft ."" nel Unl ,,(WP"'MH'I. "-talilish.l ihonso.
Monthly 0 . 0 and .'xpiuiHUs. PohIUou stomly. Hof
iiitfiiuu. EiiHoat) ibolf,ul(lreHH..d stunip.'d onvulope.
ili Dominion Uompuny. Dtipt. V., Chicago.
Tlio JPoot TPovm. Will Continue Tlioir 1-4 OirSoic Till Jan. 50