The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 21, 1898, Page 16, Image 16

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ft T
a vammwBlSLi ,
divine oharity and spiritual tenderness will
place on the downward path of the applicant
for brotherhood. Wo wonder how many
practical, sowl-stirring jokes they will play on
him before ho may rightfully turn his slops
toward East Lincoln, that Mecca of his hopes.
' Will they say grace every time they sit
down for a game of poker? Will all utter a
fervent "Amen" as BillieAjding or Tommy
Mi'mnY""""" 'i r " '"7r"""ril.'j' '"'
juunn raKes in uiejMfcjw win uiey nil
utter fervent thanks as the servant passes
around the beer in good sijsed glasses? What
a gymnast Ollie Chambers will be in his first
waltz. (AlasI the poor body!) Will gentle
PetiflJMiompson murmer his love ditties in
the ear of some pretty but proud "frat" girl?
All of these legitimate questions come to us
in our meditations and wo find no answer.
All of which bring to our mind the celebrated
saying of i certain man named Christ, "Ye
cannot serve God and mammon.
Jim . Fecliet has been appointed first sar
gearit of Co. B to succed Geo. Shedd.
, Mr. A. J. Weaver 'DO, of Falls City, wan at
"the University yesterday.
The Y. W. C. A. held an informal recep
tion in their rooms Wednesday of this week.
Lou Stringer, the football player, has failed
to put in an appearance since the holidays.
Mim Anna Yore, a Tri Delta, is confined at
hsr homo by an attack of scarlet fever.
Mm Lulu Wirt, Pi Beta Phi, of Hbldrege
will return to resume work next semester.
Chancellor MacLean acted as toast master
the banquet of the Swine Breeders and
Agricultural society Tuesday evening.
Mr, -Whitmore, president of the Swine
Breeders and Stockman's Association, gave a
talk im efcapel Thursday morning which was
kiaHily cjoyed.
give a series of lectures on "Military Typo
' fcraphy" to his class in military field engineer
ing next semester.
The political pot has boiled this week. The
Senior class election this afternoon and the
approftehiag Junior Annual board election of
'00 kave beoa the causes of the "intriffuincr
aad wire pdliagf "
Chess Club and the Business Men's Chess
Club was finished last night. The University
won by a score of 10J- to 7i. P. J. Barron, , ,
Leo Edwards and Elmer Holbon ronrf-Rphtod
the University. .' -
J ft
Miss Annie Prey '96, lins been tendered a,
position in the DcWitt high school to succeed.
Miss Anna Broady who has a position in 'the
Beatrice high school. She will leave Saturday
to take up hor work. Tho department df-
l,12v "n 1,.,,,. .. ..i,i.iA ...n:j ,. j. tjr "
lugimu win msi- u vumuuiu ussibiaut.
Prey is an active member of tho English dub"
and one of tho editors of tho "Kioto." jv-V
HMif T.nrlina TiYuinlfv olnli ninf. Wnil niwUu' J1 -
at the residence of Prof. G. W. Taylor 435 jNT
25 street. Tho topio discussed was tho influ
ence of literary societies aud fraternities in '
tho University. Miss Jessie Lansing and
Vergil Barber represented tho fraternities and
Miss Idillia Jefteroy and J. W. Seaiijon up- jL
held tho literary societies. After the discus-; 'f
sion light refreshments were served. -'
'. 1 V
The most successful event in University so-1, "
cial circles of this year was tho third annual T' x
liop of tho Pershing Rifles, given at the Lk -IA
coin Hotel on Friday evening, January 14. It "
hisu pi-uvcu u) uu u iiiorougji military oau lor
uii tiiu luuiuuura ui iuu coiupuuy were 1U IUU ,
iini(Viim T.iiitniiof.Tnijliitif orl Tlfwci Tln .Op't
Stotsenburg led the grand march. Tho osi- Xu'' "" 1
mitteo on arrangements, composed of Wiggea-v ' ij? '
horn, Koyes, Weeks and Hendy, deerye , ,7 v J
little praise for their efforts. ' 'W 4
fTvf I
:M '
and GOWN MAKERS,? : .
Albany, N. Y.
Makers to the Amotliian
Illustrated bulletiu on requart
fj Mtmufacturer of
111 u wiuAkd
1039 O Street.
Imtek 'bfcwea ifie University
Wo take spool til paitiH to please studenU when
fnrnUuipg tlioin with
Hutch ins & Hyatt,
MrO-Mce, 1040 O street. Phoae 8,
1 . 8BBSissisr,,r'
' ' - BbhbhB1 .
uH9I1!EhHhGk& 'it-
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