14 This : hesprlvx Local nml Pcrcoiml. by hand. No extra charge for repairing. Dr. Clyde Davis, dentist, Richards block. 1417 O street. Phone 7f4. If you want a shave, go to Westcrlield's. The Pershing hop at the Lincoln hotel last, Prof. D. P. Easterday gave a concert at Fsiday was very largely attended by members Fairbury last week. Full line of tablets and history covers at the CooperAtlvc Book. Co. Miss Cora O'Connell enjoyed a visit, from her mother this week. Miss Kinyon was elected to the membership of the Palladiau society last Friday night. "We do not break collars: they are turned by hand. The Best Laundry, 2249 O street. Miss Bouton was uuable to meet her classes a couple of days last week on accouut of a se vere sprain. (lardiiur the I'ailor has put in a new stock of men's furni-hiiu jjooda. If yon waut something iihv oil ami '' hiui . So. West Cor 11 & O. Prof. O. V. P. Stout will lecture before the civil engineers February 3, on Capitalization of Stock." If you want a hair cut go to YVesteriieM's. If you want anything in the line of Tonsorial work, Westerfield's is the place to find it. 117 North 13 St. Upon the suggestion of Mrs. Manning the College Settlement entertainment has been postponed until Saturday evening, Jan. 2S. R. & C. stands for Richerson & Cole, the papular barbers at 1144 O Street. Dr: II. C. Peterson has just published a work on "Inductive studies in Browning." The work is receiving many favorable press comments. The Co-op is selling stationary at a very low figure. Hiitory papar Gc per 100 sheets. Fountain pens C9c each. French and German vest poeTct dictionaries, indexed, 21c each Book department, Herpolsheimer & Co. Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. E corner 12th & O sts Give us a call An effort is now being made to have a course in mining engineering. Prof. Barbour has consented to give such a course, provided a sufficient number wish to take it, and the proper arrangements can be made. Ynle Bro3. Hand Laundry. All work done The very latest things is shoes. 1-4 off, foot Form Store. of the company and their friends. The event was honored by the presence of Lieutenant Pershing, who is now established at "West Point. Lincoln's "Hustlers" are the people to buy of, if you don't know 'em, try their Three 'Beauts.' They are cheap and hot as ! Pennsylvania also. Phone 440. 120G O. The course in Henrie Ibsen's Dramas, of fered by Dr. H. C. Peterson, promises to be very interesting as Dr. Peterson is personally acquainted with Ibsen, having visited him several times during the former stay in Christianna. The class will recite at fl:00 on Monday and Friday. Dr. Ketchuin, Oculist aud Aurist, Richards' Block treats diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, and is fully equipped with instru ments for fitting glasses without mydriatics. All fees reasonable. Students who want nice pictures at little prices ought to interview Geo. Nelson, at Herpolsheimer's music and picture depart ment. Framing of photographs of all sizes is made a specialty in this department, the low est price possible for the best class of work being the rule. Send for catalogue of 5c music, containing over 4,000 pieces, vocal and instrumental. Students if you want your shoes made to order, or if you want your shoes repaired, go to J. H. Pettit, 143S O si. All work is guar anteed. "The Unexpected Guest," given by Ihe Pal ladium societ3' last Friday night, drew out a large audience. The play, though it does not contain any very striking features, wa well carried out. The chief characters, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, in the persons of Mr. John Boose and Mis3 Colts, were especially good. All the parts were well adapted and the whole showed careful preparation. Miss Furnas favored the audience with several beautiful selections. Wanted TrinuvonJjy and iictir (reuilwnon or Indie! ito travel for re-tnomi u1e. eMablKbed uonw. Mo jtbly t$5."0 and expen-wt Position Meady. Ref orenue Enclose Hlf-adireswJ sUmoed eevdope The Dominion Compauy, Dept V., Chicago