TUB : HESPERIAN THE HESPERIAN . Issued Weekly by ibe llMsraniA! Association of the University of Nebraska. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy. ier college year, In ad ranee One copy, one semester Adtkrtisixo Katkh os Aitlicatiox AI.UXM AND CXSrCDKNT. Special cndetror will be invle to make Thb IIcspcri Inter estin; to former students. tlae sen 1 ih your subscriptions . flubscrlpiions on our books will be continued until ordered stopped. Ad Jrest all conmtinicMlions to Thi HesreitiAS. Unlve.-.li-of Nebraska. Lincoln. Nebraska. does have! Wo really don' I need golden pavement here, cedar blocks and mud make a remarkably interesting combination. Oratory is now in the field. "Will the stu dent body not learn that it is one of the ele ments of" University culture? Can college men not see that it is one of the strong means of future advancement and present success? The 'grind' and the grad-grind' may be able to let people know that they exist if they will get themselves into the coming Oratori cal Contest. BOlKU OK EDITOR. E B. PERRY Makacino Ekitok V. B. EDGKKTON Assistant I.. E. MUMPOKD - Business Manager ASSOCIATES J. D. DEN1SON Editorial O E. IIAOUK Newt. P. G. 1IAWXBV - Debate OEu. BUHGEKT - Fraierulih- SOCIETY KKPRKENTATIVRi RKNA ALDERMAN Literary ii. o. surros lKl fil'VC HOWARD WlliUiy BI.VNCUE MIcKEl Local MUrilA CHAPPELL - Alumni MRGUEKITK COS1RYMAN Local U. J. THEOBALD Atble'Jc Wcelcly Ofilcmlui'. Friday, Jan. 14. Regular Meeting of Lit erary Societies: Palladian special program, in Chapel, S p. in. Saturday, Jan. 15. Regular meetings of debating clubs; U. B. D. C. will elect oflicers. Sunday, Jan. 10. Regular devotional meetings of Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. Monday, Jan. 17. One week until exami nations begin: every 'prof.' announces that he wishes a 'little extra time put on his sub ject for the next few days. Wednesday, Jan. 19. School of Music: Fourth students' recital, Chapel 8 p. m. And when it freezes we will grumble about the cold in place of mud. Manifestly the Constitutional Law class holds to the dictum 'that this is agovernment of Law5 and not of Lawyers. During the past week Ifanna has been re gularly masticated three times daily, at the chop-houses. The aim of a University education is to make thinkers. A course of training in the Liberal Arts is intended to make liberal minded men. Culture means toleration of all and choice of the best. This idea of mak ing partisans is not in accord with university spirit or life: its purpose is rather to train and inform that a proper choice may be made when occasion requires. To educate means to teach to think not to assert, to reason not to rant, to judge not to justify, to broaden not to narrow, and to become liberal not partisan! Partisanship hinders development, clouds calm consideration, restrains generous ten dencies, and induces bigotry and dogmatism. Let us frown on any attempt to inject parti sanship into the current of college thought and view every question in the light of reason and in the way of the liberal. Prodigies are not necessarily teachers. Be cause a man has a three-decker brain and can solve everything from addition to differentials it does not follow that he can convey his power to others or impart his mental processes to his pupils. Teachers must have method as well as knowledge. To grasp a theory in Economics isn't to cause others to realize it, to appreciate the beauty of literature isn't to cause others to appreciate the same, to know Greek dactyls or trigonometric formulas is not to cause others to know likewise. We sometimes think that teachers should be se lected with more circumspection as to ability to teach and less regard to ability to know. A walking encyclopedia, or a living mathe matical theorom won't help a student, if the one is never opened and the other never demonstrated. That teacher is best who soonest makes himself useless to the student. What an admirable street service Lincoln Dontmiss the 1-4 off sale. At Foot Form Store, 1213. 0 St