J?HE : HESPEKIAN . W "1J ' 5 o'clock Hill (Capt.) - Forward Story Moore Center Andresos W. E. Guard Andreson R. D. day afternoon and "resulted in the defeat of the for mer, the score being 10 to 5. The line up was: S ''clock Krclley Sayer Hunt Wilson Bmhc Officers Referee, Stcbbins; Umpires, Clements and Swearingen. Physical examinations will be given to base ball men this week and next. Bill' Mel ford has begun practicing throwing in the armory. He is expected to be one of the crack pitchers of the '03 ball team. Dr Hastings is considering the publication of an Athletic Annual in which will be given all the events records etc. This will give an impetus to athletics and should be heartily supported by all students. The University championship basket ball games have been scheduled. The iirst took place last Tuesday evening. The remaining games will be played on Monday and Wednesday evenings of next week. Manegcr Dcnison is in correspondauce with nearly every prominent western institution on the subject of games. He hopes to arrange an oarly southern trip and a later eastern trip. Some good guarantees have already been secured. The number of candidates for place on the '08 tam is exceedingly encouraging to Manager Deni. son and Captain Gordon who are sparing no efforts to make the coming season the most sueoessf ul in the history of University base ball. Indoor base ball practice will begin next week. The University championship series will take place the latter part of January. The games will prob ably b scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 2(5 and Fri day, Jan. 28. Procoedsof this indoor bane ball series will be titled in purchasing suits. Preliminaries for Charter day indoor exhibition is now being held. The first contest took place last Saturday, the erent being the standing broad jump. The three highest contestants were, Swallow, 29 ft. 2J inches; Lemars. 27 feet U inches; W. E. Andre son, 27 ft 6i inches. The next contest will take place Saturday Jan. IB. Event, hop, step and jump. The lovers of basket ball have another treat in store. A game has been arranged between the Omaha Y. M. C. A. team and a picked team of the University, to be played at the gymnasium Saturday venlngJan 15, The line up for Omaha: left for ward, H. B. Stillson; right forward, Gus Miller; center, A. C. Ringqucsl; left guard, J. B. Redfield (Capt.;) right guard J. A. Monegham. Officers: Referee, Cbtmbers; Umpires, W. M. VauArman, Physicial Director South Omaha Y. M. C. A and F. B. Barnes, Physical Director Omaha Y. M. C. A. The Urii. team will deselected from athletic and foot ball men. V. J.. Risclioir Elected Siai.nger. At a meeting of the Athletic Board last Siturday A A Bischof was elected football manager for '98. Mr. Bischof is a member of Sigma Chi ar l is espec ially prominent in social circles. He graduates thi year with an A. B. and will return next year to take law. As Mr. Bischof is thoroughly a Univer sity man and a good financier his election to this responsible position is satisfactory to 11 football n-thusiasts Pn.llndin.il Special Projgirnm. The Palladian society will give a special program this evening in the University chapel. It will be in the tiaturc of a farce, written by William Dean Howclls. The name of the farce i 'The Unexpected Guest." DRAMATIS PEItSONAE. Mrs. Campbell Mr. Campbell Dr. Lawton -Mrs Robert. Mr. Roberts Mrs. Crashaw Mrs. Belfort Mr. Belfort Miss Reynolds Mrs. Curven Mr. Curven Mr. Bomis, Sr. -Mr. Bemis, Jr. Mrs. Bends Jane The University public is present. No admission will Lina Cntt - John H. Boose R. C. Ropr-r Geneva Erismau Edson Henry - Sadh Whitehead - Olive Thayer K. M. Cnshmau Id ilia Jeffery Florence Payne R. S. Hunt W, J. Lowrie W. L. Marsh Nona Johnston May Crandall cordially invited to 1h be charged. 'MliAfi. At. Bi'iiWu of the Doane Owl wa- & Van. visitor Saturday. Mossrs. Brown and Christner are rapidly making the Owl what n college papr should be. 'Gardner the Tailor 1ms put In a -new stock of men's furnishing goods. If you want something nice call and see htm, also join his Pressing Club. So. West Cor. 11 & O. The Phi Beta Kappa society will not have an Ini tiation until Charter day. The five members of 'lis, W. S. Heitzman, P. H. Russol, O. H. Martin, Mis-. Edith Schwartz and Miss Edith Henry, will have io wait until then to be initiated into full membership of this organization of scholars The Freshmen will have an informal reception l the conservatory Friday evening Jan 21. Themeni bersof noughty one promise to make this a reception to be remembered. Every -effort will be made to make this ono of the social events of the season from a class stand point. Class spirit will be -aroused and an excellent opportunity given to make -ac quaintauces. In the upper parlors of the conserva tory literary and musical numbers will bo rendered, while the social part of the reception will be in the rooms below. A cordial invitation is extended to other classmen, specially to the Sophomores, to be present. The very latest things is shoes 1-Jf- off Toot Form Store.