The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 14, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Loenl unci XciHonnl.
Miss Mills joined the Union society Friday evening
The question ''Ave yon going to the Junior prom?"
is becoming quite common'
The class of '01 will give a receptiou at the Uni
versity Conservatory of Music Jan. 21.
The mother of Miss lluth Pyrtlc is seriously ill at
hur home on North Kith street.
Miss Edith Hutehinson of Peru wished with her
brother Amos a short time Saturday.
Zeno Crook '07 has returned to take his M. A.
in Physics aud Philosophy.
The depai tnient of zoology has just received its
set of new microscopes.
George Shedd has resigned his position as first
sargeant of Company B.
The committee ou the senior play is hard at work
aud is making good progress.
Registration for the second semester begins Jan.
13, -uid ends Jan. 2.'.
Mr. lttlph Kcc, f -riueily a student at Hcllevue
College, has lu'wi renewing acquaintances with
classmates new in the University.
Miss Kmiiia .Nciohait sang a solo at Union society
last Friday cwiiing. Unions hope .Miss Neidhnit
will favoritism willi her selections.
Mr. Naiiseii, the great Arlie explorer, will deliver
a lecture at Oliwr Theatre Jan. 20. Notice his ad.
in another column.
Steve. J, Cnvy returned to his University duties
Mouday having spent three weeks with his
'people at Waterloo.
The department of chemistry will oiler the courses
in preparatory aud'Fre&htnan chemistry the Bccond
semester if a sullicient number desire it.
John M:ii filial '01, who has for some time been
kept (tut of school because of ill health, is now tak
ing some work in the University
J. W. rfearsiui has been chosen as judge on
thought and composition of the South Dakota ora
torical contest to be held at Brookings the 28th.
The department of Zoology has just received a
fine set of models representing the growth of the
egg embryo. Prof. Ward regards this as a valuable
addition to the department.
Miss McGufioy was elected secretary of Unioii
society Friday evening to till the vacauey caused by
the fact that Miss Grelta Muniuu will not be iu
school the rest of the ,) car.
The tirst social of the now year was given at the
Graham- Taylor house Thursday evening. It is quite
remarkable how few students of the University
know of tho real work being done among this class
of peeple. But it is encouraging to notice that the
number who have only recently visited the place for
the first time, have scon the Held and have taken up
the work in earnest.
Sclietliilo l"oi-limvl Exniniiintionss.
Final Examinations for the First Semester, will
be held as follows:
Mouday Jan. 24. S-10 a. in. All Clasps and Divi
sions at 8 a. in. 4 or ft days, or any 1, 2 or 8 of the
days Monday. Wednesday and Friday.
Monday Jan. v4. 1":20 a. m.-I2:.!0p. m All Classes
and Divisions reciting at J) a. m. 4 or ft days, or any
1, 2 or 3 of the days Mon.. Wed. and Fri.
Monday Jan. 24, 2-4 p. m. All Classes and Divi
sions recitmir at 2 p. in. 4 or 5 days or any i, 2 or 3
of the days Mon., Wed. and Fri.
Monday Jan. 24, 4- p in. All Classes and Divi
sions reciting at 2 p. in. Any 1, 2 or 3of the day
Tups., Thurs and Sal
Tuesday Jan. 2 s-10 a. m All Classes and Divi
sions lvciling at S a. ni. Any 1, 2 or 3 of the days
Tues., Thurs. aud Sat.
Tuesday Jan. 25,10:20 a. All Classes
and Divisions reciting nt'J a m. Any 1, 2 or 3 of the
days Plies. Thnrs and Sat
Tuesday Jan. 25, 2-4 p in. All Classes and Divi
sions reciting at 3 p. in. Any 1. 2 or 3 of the days
Tues., Thurs. and Sat.
Tuesday Jan. 25 4-G p. m. All Classes and Divi
sions reciting at 3 p. m. 4 or ft days, or any 1, 2 or 8
of the days Mon , Wed. aud Fri.
Wednesday Jan. 20, 8 10 a. in All Classes and
Divisions reciting at 10:20 a in. 4 or ft days, or any
1, 2 or of the days Mon., Wed and Fri.
Wednesday Jan. 20, lii:20 a. m.-12:20 p. in. All
Classes and Divisions reciting at 11:20 a. ni. 4 or ft
days, or any 1, 2 or 8 of thcdaysMoti . Wed. and Fri
Wednesday Jan. 20, 2-4 p. m. All Classes and
Divisions rocitiuir at 4 p. in. 4 cr 5 days, or any 1, 2
or 3 of the days Mon , Wed. and Fri
Wednesday Jan. 20, 4-6 p. m All Classes and
Divisions reciting at 4 p. mv Any, 1,2 or 3 of the
of the days Tues , Thurs. and Sat.
Thursday Jan. 27, 8-10 a. in. All Classes aud
Divisions reciting at 10;20 a. in. Any 1, 2 or 3 of the
days Tues., Thuri',and Sat.
Thursday Jan. 27, 10:20 a. m.-l2:20 p. m. All
Classes and Divisions reciting at. 11 :20 a. ni. Any 1,
2 or 3 of the das Tues., Thnrs. ana Sat.
Thursday Jan. 27, 2 1 ;. m. All Classes and Di
visions reciting at 5 p. m. i or ft days or any 1, 2 or
3 oi the days Mon , Wed and Fri
Thursday Jan. 27, 4 G p. m. All Classes and Di
visions reciting atop. in. Any 1, 2 or 8 of the days
Tues., Thurs. and Sat
Friday Jan. 28. 10 a m. All Classes and Divi
sions reciting at 12.20 p, m 4 or ftdays or any 1, 2 or
3 of thednys Mon., Wed. and Fri.
Friday Jan. 28,10:20 a. in. 12:20 p. ni. All Classen
aud Divisions reciting at 1 p. m 4 or 5 days, or 1, 2
or 3 of the days Mon., Wed. aud Fri.
Friday Jan 28,2-4 p. m. All Classes and Divisions
reciting at 12:20 p.m. Any 1. 2 or 8 of tho days,
rues.. Jhurs. aud Sat
Friday Jan. 28, 4-0 p. in. All Classes and Divisions
reciting at 1 p m. Any 1, 2 or 3 of the days, Tubs.,
Thurs. and Sat.
Wanted Trustworthy aud active gentlemen or
lidics Ut travel for responsible, established house.
Monthly fl'i.O i aud expenses. Position steady. Ref
erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
The Dominion Company, Dopt. V., Chicago.
The registrar has given notice that suflieient
credit must bo in by February 1 for thoso who ex
pect to graduate in June, to reduce tho work to ID
hours for the second somester. Those who have not
this required amount of credit will be reported de
ficient und will not be allowed to graduate at that
Buy Now 1-4 off. Foot Form Store, 1218, 0. St.