The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, January 14, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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On Monday Evening .Inn. 17, at the Oliver Thea
tre the world renowned Sofia Scalchi and Marie
Toulinguet together with one of the strongest com
panies of operatic artists th-it have ever gnie on the
road in this conn try. will appear here.
To those who have hcird the great contralto her
singing will novo- be forgotten. .Her suong rich
voice and grand delivery and the splendid diction
have, ni ide. her the model for all the singers who are
yet to be heard. Patti in her palmiest davs had to
nluire the. triumph with this contra'to and even the
great singers of the European Opera Houses were
placed us M-eond to thn most experienced artUt and
the favorite of ihe public on two continents. Seal
chi today s tin model of a great artist. For fifteen
years she has held the first place in all the World a
tin greatest m her line and we are to have her in at
1 ast one of her favorite operatic role. Aside from
tins one of the greatest sopranos of the entury,
Maiie Tonlingn-i will make her first appearance
heie on tills occasion. Tonlingnet ma-te an inv
niciic mid unexpected lot wiih the great Col. Map
lemon's lin.M rial Open Co. and it is only owing to
the fac that there will lie no giaud op-ra worthy of
tne name in New YoiU this season that boihTou
lingnei and Scalchi will be heard in other cities of
the country.
Tli h r ireiii'- r-j of Mine. Shield's company
a'c Mr. Tlioma" McQueen, tenor; Sig A. Albert),
baritone Mile. Marie Du Uednt. mezzo soprano and
Sig. V. (iallia musical director.
The peiformaiiee lo be given by this company
will prove a welcome one inasmuch as we are to
ha.e at lei i it jiet of grand opera given in cos
hum iih -cene'V, paraphernalia, etc. Besides
thi-ticli uiti-i will sing some favorilo number in
the first part of the evening's entertainment. It
goes without saying that this will be the great inns,
leal ee-ii of the season. The 4th act of II Trova
tore and 2nd act of Martha will be given. Prices
Si. 5'- 1 o(J - .7r & ..r)0 Seats on sale this morning
.st 10 sharp,
.Ai-trtie Viltingj- Comings'.
Arrangements have been made for a lectnro in
Lincoln by the greatest of all Arctic exploiers, Dr.
Fridtjof Nansen. Dr. Nansen is Glling 10.; nights in
America under the management of the Kidpath
Lyceum Bureau and has made a phenominal suc
cess. His great achievements together with his
striking and magnetic personality have combined to
produce the immense popularity of the tour In
London 13,'mio people attended one lecture, while
sir h large crowds have gone to hear the celebrated
Norwegian in America that in some of the leading
cities the sale of tickets has had to be stopped to
prevent so larg a crowd from entering the opera
houses as to endanger the public safety.
It is a stereopticon lecture on "Trip of the Frara,"
There are 150 views, which were taken by Dr. Nan
sen himself. The views represent different scenes
in the journry of the party from the time they set
out till Nanscu with a single companion reached a
pwintiSi miles from the pole, which is 25'f miles
nearer than any one else has ever gone. The object
of the trip of the Fram was to make scientific obser
vations and Dr. Nansen explains different results
in away that is highly interesting.
Dr. Nansen is the author of a work on the. nerves
which is the standard in England and Garmauy to
day. He speaks every European language fluently
and is such a thorough master of Euglish that every
word is elearlv understood.
Most of Dr. Nansen's dates in America have been
filled in the great cities. Ho has seldom appeared
in a place as small us Lincoln but the management
have decided to give a lecture hero on the way west
The date of the lecture will be Jan 10. It will be
given at the Oliver Theatre.
LvJUJkinrnb wj
Special Offerings in Our
New Mens Furnishing Goods Dept
MetiV and Hoys' un laundered Shirts, open back, made of Nonpareil Muslin, 8 ply pure Irish Linen, Bet in
bosom, reinforced front and back, felled seams throughout, patent cushion back collar band and tape, pos
itively the bt shirt for the money ever shown in Lincoln, each COc
Finer grade, hand work, unluundered dress shirt, lung or short bosoms, each T'fSe
Latent Styles in 4 ply Linen Collars, each 9c
Newest Shapes in 4 ply Linen Cuffs, a pair 15
Herpolskeimer & Co.