TUB : HESPERIAN PJlKP-IkiaillJSfflSR & , MERRY MERCHANDISING! Tlie holiday selling has, so fai this year, surpassed anything we have ever known; but we meant to break all previous records and laid our plans accordingly. Our store is larger, our forc of sales-pcopl'" greater, our facilities hotter and above all, we carry nearly double the &tnck of holiday merchandise tve have shown before. That this stock -was properly bought and carefully selected is clearly shown by the prices we are enabled to quote and by the ready appreciation of it by the buying public. &k&4&M&4m&& lfW Photographs jfafe Special rates to students r Silver Modal awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown, N. Y., June, 97. J. E. HOUTZ, Liemingjr'N Old Staiiicl Bookseller Stationer , and Dealer in Wall Paper & new lino of Teachers' Biblesiasl received imawnmm E. S KING FINE WATCH REPAIRING Scientific- Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Eyes Successfully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost Time. 1800 O Street, Lincoln, Nek yVe take special pains to please students when furnisning them with COAL AND WOOD. Hutch ins & Hyatt JWOffico, 1040 O street. Phone 800, First National Bank 1ln coin. NohnisUn. CAPITAL - glOO.OOO.OO lolin I.. Cftrnou, I'rohlileul. I). I). Miilr, Cachlcr II. H Freomnn A't Cnnbler. This Coming Christmas Is the time to remember your friends u ho have done you little kindnesses in the past. No better place to buy the little things which go to make up the dainty part of a Gentleman' Wardrobe than niirt.torc. We have the largest and best Furnishing Goods Stock in the state, where you may buy at a tfmall cost beautiful, acceptable and lasting gifts ii the way of Shirts, Collar?, Cuffs, Neek-wear.Gloves and Mittens, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Bath Robes, House Coats and tio One Hundred and- One things that every young man wants and needs. CALL EARLY. Armstrong Clothing Co 1013 to 1010 O mtveet r.