The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 17, 1897, Page 14, Image 14

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13ixl' ?eeoiiil Rrlrcnt.
l)riry is the lanyuuijv oj Die ho it I, -.ami here in
th-eoiil, bleak dc-t-rt mi nils f Nebraska we are
learning the -jut ix nf that liiiiiuip:. 1-wa 111:13'
blush .for hot Cat turn, who, in a dazed numiyui.,
TJfojeett'd t'nit iinot pro-ait diy intm-ite "S mux l
SuinuifiV Mis-ouri rati Hi-kiio lodge, with Prof. J.
5. Smiddv'a llnym." ! AIis.. -u 11" Miat mi pout
er.-r itppivo ate t cy but. proud Nebraska, liome of
presidential timber and bluz inl-, tmt of the "Arts-tuci-ji'-y
ot Lt'Mois," cxul s tn-iinpiiautly in her
soer-bkesoii-. rt-h read beauty into her sum I. hills,
sap -prints of soul emotion tmm Ik r droit1 h, endow
hsr barren aere... u it,h dimity, and hallow her iiiu
Fi'ouiiHU'l Laud, God's fo .L .ittol, llei-veif id
stiO'V. lJ'dow, u lew ot her njo-i gifto 1 mis pa-.
niodeMly in review whim all thi ptji'tatorn in the
grand stand elan t mir bauds aiul shout "Long live
the luut of Nebraska!"
Pi'na :hor, lover, pool uud the ruM the reader
in iy ninny 'uifar fr 1 a liim marie jjiveu 1ml w,
lti-v. Mr, GuMiwr altera keen, livid ipuronal e-i--i
ii'iioi! in both t'uMiU, elands i. the tirsi jjreat tint 11
w 10 eould discriminate nc.'iii'at Iy between Lritc hoc
a-Hl the otdic; a oloitJ of naked memories arise as
IllO sings
".Sweet Mtirifin fltmdr ah, not forgot!
Her spirit ipresouee yi t J traoo
And ua.H into t tint upturned laee
She signs and speaks 1 know not wliat "
AmUmo ean alinoxt i.iterpi'Ot Him pout's deeper
s;iiit.iiil ideal in tun objective Jove ditry soipalheti
en y iitillhiil. 'Disappointment"' Sipougc away
vour 'tears n&you read
'(Jo,, Abets, buiuhiiiff Li.7,iu
UiirUiCiivtrin n'n golden ti'esset-,
!Knir (Dorothy, sweet Aliee,
Jiave known uny 'heart's eat'esso1.
Tonight, limy all in e dead itoune
And lilo them Lifo'ssea
3s seat u re 1 with t he dark
'Onld wreok ol love and slioals
And death-strewn breaki'rsstrandunyihat'k. '
Tit'i(li)i-piiiit;i:ntiholy wail nmy Hie partially .ntj
ic ninliui ifnf in the fuui 1 hit, the reflection was wniti
11.Mi.11f1.11 un.ituinge aud out-ide thu tuaiaorshipol uliu
Hiqpnblii: ol LoLu-.rn.
'JlheOuivni'Miy oliKriHia ouly kindly uiatuoiucfi
unOiiiui'u and tlmre iivd-uil; tniuuH of ithn 'itraiis-iplmiti-d
iputit" wlii drew an inspiraiion tfiumi itlho
wuhL'Ui pun bin hotHeh-dd .ongs of 'EIle " Ulio
idays-of iIiih iiiiriioiilini!in.Miuit'H iiuriin; Um Sail 'Or eJk
illooil tin Jnioto-o.ieoiro asHouiaUid uot itiufuvoruilv
iMilhin iLlit)
"'llaihli HWi'Ct piiiMiL of ithe Allautie'B wavea."
A'Uhiid iiti HiiiHit)ivoni'Hs, a giant. in mouI, a miusLur
in hui'cuhiii, a niovui of limn, Mr. 'Baton was hoiiiu
"w.iatipotidnriuiH and iiilhwuible in Ins bj-uiilv!itie,K.
lie Haw Is'ot) abKa n It. ih; dim itfc wu wleli lit vvonu.
Hj dt'iMV itim pminro
!IMm golden Hiintlowurs nuynad ibloflHomliig ibla.e
3"imn iliill ito goidun linl,
And illicit ill last iintoitlm goidun imzo
'Of ithe ci'uatidmtanuu.
Uiit'liti uuiilJii't got owmto ibiiKtuoMH. 33'inould
notireudiLbo inoodrt ot the ''blon-omuiij u .ti" he
cli(lnti;uu to itne IouuIiuumh of a wustuiui cxdc
ovorwlmlmotl him.
J'Ki)8EU IHAUL TllWli,
AnniratJiiliiUH lil.'ii.liiigof uhtiiliiiinun and itln'.cli
Tinu mibjtiulivti, liuuMBpunth'",, lining iintiivti aud iip
iroolHtivcof xha. router imoudH-ufituo noul. .Sitting
in Ins rMeei'lps olli . he dreams lie sees io the t?ir
(jliug wivatli of cigiuvtio smoke which f.Haso oaoli
other hi Ins vision -"A
magic spall. Jjovh's Paradlo
T-o sip the ni'dt ir of ih-ic pcndi-true bkisoms
To rad a mesigu m th-iM hn'Afl yo
And tliink, and impound dieaui-aud only droaui.
lie fiirhis Hiiuiliur
'liHi'k, harK. sail bonl. U plttrou tihy datik
And aoTioii mint impurv iou Ijmc
"S uvot, k is uli. bf T'l-e-uhtvka, rttusSHlns Uiaud
Jusi like ,on iifet'd In do."
W'llXlATM JtBi:t) DtTA'HOV. S. A.T-
The lut,HL yoiuiiri'.-L most adored, asiJln Jtwirn our
o-wnHixbj. lit-ManiU .-a-ily in ihi-ad. Mr. Dun
loy With liisHnicl'i'ii'iiiri, pcueti'iiilng suitltv, and
mofnr bu-iiui-ns i- a bring inii'i'prut.aiiounf Uie iruu
buying "11 )unt is liorna." Xv id- lore him. He i
01m 01 us except he ib fncliio'iod Ji'nin eo.-tnr star
diHi, Since ih.- Ciianecljnr s Iron cliajiel advenise
tiieuiol 'C'ni'ii Tii-m-N." ih- Ivy l'l'e--. ha- ln-gtm on
lUie seeond edition. This Imtiutilul i-oneMnn "Done
unto print" "'To Hie state 1 love" stumls a inouu
nueiitiiltjiedit 10 w.-.K'1-u literan g"tiiiN. ntid wry
Ni tiruhicnii -iiinild n-j line in this di4ii idneurii:i
tion. 1! ai! tli- eoimcioii- alu- in tlhe "1'ot'tfvvord:"
" hrircJuwiiU tlu.111 iwjiu tl widely 111 papers uvd jiari
udiottln" ami at oime tin- reii'leir is hnad orm hoolslu
"iTnu siek of l've, li)h hwtu niefor a wihiln.
!l!)raw HI13 iull lip- in two tlmi 1iuti-..ot red;
Ami I l Ibf Miiotilili'l'nig in llilue eyes Inap
In ilamihj of lire from Miy hea-ll."
"We 'oul v love him llie more, and we 'luidder 1o
thinkithut soiiiecl!i be too will lie
4AIoih' iu iheji gin wtbeiti all lisdunt;.
And your b mi', lie in ithe giMiuio,
Whontihe guiiwimj of womus in your ootl'in-Jljfl
'is tueonly ylioit of a sound ."
And our heart') are ftrutiguly mimed tto iijlty Jor
-Hnreyeare dim -l.heli.tliiwuihs
"Will soon liobl i-rawlinj; woiuiik.
And in the .oscs of hnr lip will-uruim
"Jllieliiny thiiiga."
But ithis'does mot wliolly explain:
J'rate not 10 me irf ilicuvuu 'urlheJj:
l?y bill hi oust
I've known itlmir t'CBtiim"! and woes
J'VuJuvod and llosL"
Uuniati weakness is depietd In 1he Jui'vmit
"(PrniNer" and ndtuiptotiipMrauoollefeMOii imaduu tally
'Uh ito be 'drunk .one hour one 'iniiiiut ofo(Jd
To Illvo 'to Biill'er at 11 itst the itorgiit.'
The author's Hweetni-itouuhef, and ipii.plhihljp vwflth
lUittttru 11 nt' mm win in mho ansjiliHid iiituiiprtilatfionof
the iaiiKy''s 'blu-'hes.--
-a'uillloior sliadowB, gy'ld fur Htitib'ldnn.
Witilt' tfor tbeuiloud-oniliigh,
iLti'omiitf'iriUie tiamlli ullndli gamoitliuni ibtrtii
Alld ll(lllU10'lle.U.IM'H Hl,."
Qurlhimnts nlmill siraifgely with ids love Hnugs.
our eoiirage risi for Ctitian Oliuiednm, w e lleuiui itw
lliate iiiJiiMiine, ( tilieibeau'iful aud jnoil, and
we aiieiuiiitinile'l of the iiaiunoiiiiiunly bloiideil witak
111 est and KluiHug ,h. by hyp mrary and HliietHiiny Jove
and iliul.e, Jit ihe liuimui Ihuli'I. J 11 his dialetit
lixieiiiw, Hie is apt and expressive, and we ai'eJoriuid
itoietil the ha f itnnh along vwiii' litio ipouti'y iutthu
itoueliiugitrdmLe to tin- iimu 'Cwis
"J''uf'dovui in nhur beauts ithentondur
An' good an' (righteous iuiiuu',
Thi'Vlrt'iliive ailiar I old walnut,
Tib' s'h 111 alone ibetn' 11111'."
Jlut 1h'itnver.Msn iiiMyib- said, Mr. DtmnnvlhaH
'Wiuit'Ui pooiry and nuiis sisllinu iitJunt. lLaud
iti ifor Ndbiimka, and miuuI. tthe ijindsuB of !lmr
gilled sou.