The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 17, 1897, Page 13, Image 13
TOK : flftSPiikU.V 13 fttXHVS KTirTKEAT. Merry Christmas! Misfortunes arc married. ''Credit is the bulls-eye of the; 'University.' Ton ought to study during vacation. Your best girl would appreciate a copyof Uiixby 'for a Christinas present. A genuine poet is the noblest, scarcest, llenst a)preciatcd work of God. WTIjI, 1TAA, IT STKAICillT 3CMA Around the fireside at home, 'Released from student care. I'll sit and tell the dear old folks "Vliu 1 1 have done this year TIow 1 have labored o'er my books. And burned the midnight oil Wo cram my intellectual nooks With reproductive soil; How when my class-mates soundly snored 1 'toiled the mid-night hours away. And dug, and dug, and vied (Oh (Lord!) With Pinkorton for P. I J. K. 'How all my money L have earned In "slinging hash" with good intent; II low parties, dances, 'bums" !I spurned With not a single sou misspent Then mother's face will quite sunpass. The noonday sun in beamiog joy; When father, too, will think he has A dickens of a cultured boy. iiavk no nnui.Aii. I like to see a man who wears (Locks like our John Muguirc's; To think that Denison offered iprayers IFor looks like John Muguirols. frijoy to view that shaggy mane 'Which crowns a Daniel Webster brain And only wish JMcKay could train .Looks like our John Muguiro. Alack, debaters speak their fears Of locks like yours, Muguiro; lliravo Kansas, even, bathes in 'tears At thought of you, Muguiro They'll tremble at your football hair. Debating brains aud plenteous air For t'hoy have no 'Delilah there To roach your mane, Muguiro. run wuvmrcu. The weatherman Avith eara-ground. 'I as caught the coming clatter. For mingled with the blizzard's surjv. Is heard the eloquence of Porge. And all the ponderous thoughts profound That Denison may scatter; With linkers "pose," Muguirc's "mien" And Harry Saekott's talk machine. And 13. F. Warner's logic keen Confronting that of Jonas Lien: And fifty other braves, I ween, Such blending makes uncanny sound That might Aeolus' self astound. A HAM' SONXICT -- 1 UiXK. Ln l().'2 they published Shakespoare's art. 'lint never dreamed of a people so smart As to get the meaning from every ipart. Tint now we've got them right here at home, And Shakespeare's secret they see alone; For over his pages in bouyant hope Doc Peterson's students, without a unopc. Pore hour by hour with a 'microscope. (UN JT iiiu iKK.'iirr? Dose ipQys, 'dose ipo.vs Alt saints 'retreat Oh, let meat demmit ipoth feet. Dislife am ,pliss von dey ,poon deadl, Dose sch limps, dey hear dot softest Uread Ven ever I makes dot usual gall, 'Undt pitchers in band dey tramp dorlhall 'Oiidf meet me under dor lamplight glare, Shust like some voole dey greet me (lore; TJuidt into dor parlor (Uy sit undt josh l)ndt clunk dom pitchers. Shimmony gosh! I vish dot Frondol or some such viufht Vould got dose rascals last Saturday might; Ven dey vroze dein vindors undt strapped dol door Dndt would not let me go home some more. Doy host dose dables of caller's laws L'ndt ring dor pell, undt vug dor jaws Ihidt vow dot J must say gudt ,pye iKight under dor lamp mit dom to eye Pestiferous villiunsl My sorrows swell Till 'I vish dom nil dor pangs ofveil dats all. From Poems of Passion by Allon'Oongdon. F. T. "Ililoywill.go 'to Plnttsmout'li HoUa'ko ohurgo of 'the 'business end of a daily paper, ai