The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 17, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Wt i fti&p&kiAN
IVuelioi'M AMHooiivtioii.
The holidays will witness another annual
gathering of the State Teachers' Association.
The 'small boy' will again he dissected, anal
yzed and Hayed. The sources of knowledge
will be-exploited, the founts of culture tapped.
The notorious perversity of 'school boards'
will be aired, and the introduction of 'music'
and 'art' favored and disfavored. In general
the strong knights and fair ladies of the ever
fainous birch will meet to talk over their fail
ures and successes; hopes, plans and theories
for the advancement of the Schools of Our
Own Nebraska. We have a strong liking for
the American Teacher, he is a composite of
independence, nervousness, energy, child
study and rigid rules: but in spite of all this
he is making or unmaking our future citizen
ship. On the whole he seems to be doing
fairly well. He is a faddist and runs mad on
novelties but ho usually checks himself be
fore reaching the precipice, which is much in
his favor. Of course his head is composed of
impossible and unprecedented theories but
'it takes all kinds of weather to make up a
year and a sphere" so we won't grumble. Tn
the end he is right: in the end he is of value;:
in the end we say he is the strongest and best
influence on our future men and women.
Alumni ?VolN.
' Miss Martha Hark 'flo is soon to In mar
ried to Mr. Harley of Lincoln.
Clyde C. McDowell '07. is visiting his many
friends in the University.
Zcno Crook '07, is circulating around the
library this week.
Miss Maude Atkinson '07, is acting secre
tary of the Y. W. 0. A. until the now secre
tary, Miss Tompkinson, of Michigan, arrives!
Miss Julia Worl of the class of '07, who is
teaching in Schuyler this year, will spend the
Christmas vacation with her sister in Lincoln.
Miss Anna Broady. '07 has been elected
teacher of Latin in the Beatrice High School.
She will take tho place left vacant by Miss
Burks' resignation.
Hugh Wilson '07, slopped off with friends
Friday evening, He was on his way to Den
ver. Hugh has been working in the Black
Fred E. Clements, '05 has in tho December
Naturalist an article on "Peculiar Zonal For
mations of Western Nebraska. '' This is
really a part of the photo-geographical work
done by Messrs. Clements and Pound.
Mrs. Ida Atkinson. '83 is working up the
subject of the origin of populism in Nebraska
for her master's thesis. Mrs. Atkinson is al
so working for her Doctor's degree; at Chicago
Prof. Conway G. McMillan. is an alumus
who has brought much credit to his alma
mater. lie is now in the University of Min
nesota. The latest work published by him is
entitled. "The Vegetation of the Shores of the
Lake of the Woods."
The Pershing Rifles will give a hop at the
Lincoln, Jan. 14, 1S0S.
The following officers were elected by the
Palladian debating club: W. 0. Ayers, presi
dent; S. B. Sloan, vice-president: H. L. Sams,
A visit to Ilcrpolshciincr & Co's. store dur
ing this season is like a peep at Fairyland.
Mountains of toys and Holiday goods meet
the eye at every turn.
The University s.;nt fifteen delegates to the
Y. M. C. A. stale convention. They all re
port a most enjoyable and profitable conven
tion. Their reception by the Hastings people
was a royal one.
Del inn Debating club elected the following
ollicers Saturday night: K. I Warner, presi
dent; E. G. Woodruir. vice president; Mr.
O'Conncll, secretary: mid Mesers Sayer and
Andresou attorneys.
Following is a good list of books from which
to select a present for your friends: Quo Vndis
by Lienkiowicz; The Christian by Hall Caino:
Choire Invisible by .las. Lane Allen; Captains
Courageous by Rudyard Kipling; Beth Book
by Sarah Grand; School for Saints by John
Oliver Hobbs; A So;i of the Old Dominion by
Mrs. Burton Harrison; Hugh Wynne, Fro
Quaker, by Mitchell; The Green Book by
.lokai. We have all these books at cut prices
as well as a full line of Fountain Pens, Now
Stationery, Music, Violins, Guitars, Mando
lins, Music rolls, etc. Book, Stationery and
Music Departments, Herpolsheimer& Co.