The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 10, 1897, Page 7, Image 7
THE ! HESPKRIAK 7 Oolloffo oI'Lmv Nois. member of the live o'clock team played an Dean Reese gave the Seniors a special lecture excellent game; Yoder. Riley and Belden did this week on the "Examination of Witnesses." the best work for the 11 o'clock team. The class of '98 elected the following officers According to the new plan the first and se last week: lion. J. II. Grosvenor, president: coud teams of the different classes must eon -X. D. .Burch, vice president and L. M. Troup test each week to determine class champion-secretary-treasurer, ship. It, is not at all probable that the same The Junior class is reading from seven to teams will represent the different classes next ten cases a day in contracts. The seniors de- weck--not if it is possible to judge by the confidence of the captains of the defeated teams. clare that this is nothing as compared with what is required the latter part of the year. At the Maxwell club meeting Saturday Miss Cunningham, Mr. Fulton and Mr. evening Messrs. Bobbit and Burch urged that o'ConwII have joined the Del ian society. S. E there should be a board for the compulsory arbitration of labor difficulties. Messrs. Van Docar and Moore urged the contrary. The Maxwell club elected the following officers Saturday evening: H. C. Dean, presi dent; Mr. Moore, vice president; J. IT. Kemp secretary; F. L. Gibson critic, and the retiring president, .1. L. Wallace, scrgt-at-arms. Dr. J. L. Green completed his course of lectures on ''Medical .Jurisprudence'' this week. Dean Reese will begin his lectures on the "Law of Medical ."Jurisprudence" next week. 13uh1c!( Hull Oimi4H, Two of the six championship basket ball Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. corner 12th &. 0 sts Give us a call Miss Anna Broady ''.)(". who is now teach ing at DeWitt Xebr., has been elected as as sistant Latin teacher to fill the vacancy at Beatrice caused by the resignation of Miss Martha Burks '!).". If you want Musical Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Autoharps, Moloharps. all the latest Sheet Music, Music Folios, Mu sic Rolls and all things appertaining to music the Music Department of llcrpolsheiuior & Co is the place to go. A large line of ." mush always on hand. Lieut. .1. M. Stotscnburg of Ft. Leaven- games were played this week. The reds of worth, Kas., has been appointed military in- the 11 o'clock class won the game Monday structor to succeed the late Lieut. .Jackson, evening over Sayer's team by a score of 12 to Mr. Stotscnburg was talked of for the com- 11, but wore defeated in the game Wednesday mandant last fall but, however Mr. .Jackson evening, with Hill's team, by a score of I fl to was appointed. The new commandant is a 18, well educated man and thoroughly familiar The following are the members of the dif- with the military school. He is a graduate forent teams -Placok's: Hopewell, Riley, Yo- of West Point and of the Ft. Leavenworth der, Belden and Xienhuis. Sayer's: llanlon, Military Academy. He is first Lieutenant of Xielson, Aden, Hoflhcr. Hill's: W. E. and the (ith II. S. Cavalry. K. D. Aiidrcson. Moore and Story. NOTHft. As Placok has loft school Yoder has been elected captain of the 11 o'clock team. In the game Monday evening, Sayer, Han Ion and Xielson did the best, playing for the S o'clooks; Placok and Yoder for the 11 o' olooks. There will be two championship games next week. One between the 11 and 8 o' clock and one between the S and f o'clock divisions. In the game Wednesday evening every The State Committee of the Y. W. C. A. invites all Association girls to a reception at Mrs. F. M. Hall's. 10-10 DSt. Saturday even ing, Dec. 1 1th. at 7.. MO. The reception is in honor of Miss Wild, who leaves Monday for Chicago, to take up the work of International Sco'y. It is also in honor of her most inti mate friend and our chief assistant, the "Evangel," the organ of the Ans'n, of which Miss Wild is to be editor. Each Association girl is invited lo bring her girl friends with her.