The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 10, 1897, Page 3, Image 3
rmwtacMMMfriks. TliiJ : UJSSJPElti 12" M " ThATS mv vftsMnu,,Hl J1ANDDLINS Guitars "Banjos. I lie Washburn is tin' one 'i J ouh ni.ikc of world-wide rej'Ut.itx u. S"ld b In si -class dealers nmnlicic Irom ?i;.oo upward. lnn.ated cvtensuelv, so he sun that the name "George Washburn" is burned upon the inside. A beautiful Washburn Jiool; contain ing portraits and letters from the l)e Keszkes, Calve, Karnes, Xurdica, Sc;il clu and ioo other frimotis mtists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept. I', LYON & HEALI Cor. Wabath Ave. and Adams St , Chicago. J. E. HOUTZ, Bookseller Stationer and Dealer in J fall Paper A new line of Teachers' Jiiblcs just reeeivod F S KING FiNF WATCH REPAIRINC Scientific- Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Iryes Successfully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost Time. 1300 0 St. Lincoln, Neb. You are invited to see My Special $15 and $17 Suits Made by hand. First class references can be furnished as to my artistic ability Gleaning and repairing done correctly. Artistically your, M- T5. M-I-iAITC5I-II-.I!, 1240 0 St. Lincoln, Neb. CHARLES B. GREGORY, Coal Coke and Wood ?ornti 1 itli unl o. lliont :i i:t. Yard. 1 ltli and Y. IM10110 -1S8. THE NAME THE GUARANTEE Ci fi? H- v J-,.V St O SPALDING'S 100T BALL SUPPLIES FOR '97. Every Requisite for the Came MiiiiiiKCI'o "ill lo well in write (or Min-ilco imrt kjiculal iale before win Iimiii;. The !JUlillllf; Olhelti! Fool Hull lij Yule. I'llnenon reniih.vlvnuiii. I in mini. Cottiei: ntil nil other Icmlint; uiilvpnl tie Kwli Iml! teteil Mini jmcke'l iiml t-Hiilcl in MMmnite box with lirjivs lullntoi. I'rli'c : m ji1illliy'b Olllcitil Foot Dull ; lot 1tl!l7, edlliul U) Wallet Cllllljl. l'dStIIll(, II) (MMllr- CiiiuloKUu ol Full mid Winter iori Free Now York A fl Ci7Htfr?j?eic i'hllttilolphlii Call at The Skinner Barn for Hacks and (Jarria.ges Full J'AJ.'Ti I'AU.S do a General Livery Business (J V AltfJlMI'-tKiHT. 1'i'oprieior. 21'JN 12th n'rcct. Tel 4H. This Coming Christmas Js the time to reiiicinlHtrymirlrleuiU wlmhavc done you lit.Ue kinrincn'-os in the punt. No better place to buy tJie lit.tle. thing which go to uutke up thclsiintx part of a ficutloinunS Wardrobe than our More. -We lime the largeM and huM Furnishing (jnnd Stock in thesUite. where you may buy at a Miiall cost Iteautlfiil, iieceptjilile and hitinfj; gift in the way of shirts. Colltuv. UuII'k, NH'k-vwir.(iove(s .and Mitten. Hosiery. Handkerchief, JVluJlleiK Until Holies House ('oath and the One Hundred and One things that every young mM want and need. OALL KAMA'. Armstrong Clothing Co 10m 4 1 o 1 i o rcct