The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 10, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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12 THE
Cluuieolloi lilnLertnillw.
The reception to the Seniors by Chancellor and
Mrs. MacLeau was very largely attended last Satur
day night. Deans Edgren, Sherman and Bessey
spoLc upon graduate work in the University. Miss
Henry respouded to the toast "The University." O.
T. Reedy did justice to the "Class of '1)8." V. D.
Heitzman paid an elegant tribute to "The Senior
Girls." "The Senior Boys" were well toasted by Miss
Jean Tuttle. "Tho Recollections of Prepdoin" was
treated in a most original way by G. E. iioger. A
most eueouragiug prediction "The Future of '98"
was treated by our only Jonas H. Lieu.
The class through their president, Mr. Kindler,
presented the Chancolor with t lie class cano which
was suitably inscribed.
Cbancelor and Mrs. MauLean were elected honor
nry members of the class.
Mr. Cornell photographed the party by flashlight.
The reception will be one of the events iu after years
for every member of 'OB.
C. A. Fisher has returned.
Prof. H. E. Caldwell lectured at the Universalist
church lust Sunday morning on History and Ethics.
Miss Minnie Guile was elected to membership in
the Palladian society last Friday evening.
Howard Cowgill has reeutered the University
after an absence from classes of two months.
1). W. Evans, editor of the "B'unclallist" at Ne
braska City, called on J. II. MeGufTy last Friday.
R. S. Baker read a paper on Socialism before the
c'.ty Social Science club last Sunday night.
S. W. Pinkerton was called home Monday bv the
serious illness of histdstcr.
The Plattsmouth high school is taking steps to add
a university mineral collection to their museum.
Miss Mary Treniain '8 formerly of the University
spoke on "Cromwell" befoio tho P. E. 0. of Platts
mouth. Prof. A. S. Harding writes from Brookings, S. D.
that he lluds Ids work in BrooKings heavy but very
pleasant and profitable.
Dr. Fling will preside over the .Nebraska Associa
tion of Tehdiets of History at the coming state
teachers meeting.
Chancellor and Mrs. MaoLean will give a recep
tion to all resident Alumni next Saturday night. It
ib entirely informal.
E. M. Short .formerly of '97 and for two years
principal of NcIbou high school, has just been elected
principal of Franklin high school.
D. N. Lehinur will read a paper before the confer
ence of tho western branch of the American Math
ematical society which meet at Evanston III.
The book entitled "Studies in Euripcan and
American history", written by Professors F. M.
Fling and H. W. Caldwell has just appeared. Tho
purpose of the work is to show teachers what tho
houicw study method means and how it may be
.Vmoiifr the GroeliK.
The Kappa Sigma fraternity gave a party to about
t wenty-iivc of th.-ir friends last Friday night. After
a sleigh ride the party spent the evening in oancing
at the chapter house.
Sigma Chi gnve a sleighing party Saturday Bight
December 4.
The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity had a sleighing
party Friday evening.
On Monday evening Misses Andrews and West
were initiated into Pi Beta Phi.
Delta Tau Delta initiated Frank Woodland of
Omaha last Saturday evening.
BertWatkins was initiated into the Delta Tau
fraternity last Saturday night.
MNs Daisy Hanck of the conservatory was pledged,
to the Kappa Kappa Gamma's last week.
Messrs. Kursmeyer and Virgil Barber were the
guests of the Shudd brothers and Mr. Wiggenliorn
at Ashland during vacation.
The Phi Kappa Psi boys with some of the fairer
sex made up a jolly bobsled party Friday evening
and enjoyed the first snow of the season.
Miss Gertrude Wright, Pi Beta Pi, of Schuyler
visited her relatives at the University latt week.
Miss Wright was formerly a conservatory student.
Win" Hall sent iu his resignation to Union
society Friday night. Mr. Hall expects to become a
member of the "preacher
charter is procured.
frat" as soon as -the
It is 4'i hard matter for a young man to de
cide on what to give his lady friends. Allow
us to suggest one of our elegaut Princes of
Wales Umbrellas. Bumstead & Tuttle.
Ynle Brow. Hand Laundry. All work done
by hand. No extra charge for repairing.
HI 7 0 street. Phone 754.
Be on thTRight Side
if you want you feet comfortable and and well-dressed
take them to tho Foot Form Store 1-318 O street
They can fit you out with a handsome shoo for 18,00
that will wear like iron.