THE : HESPERIAN 11 15LX.IJY-S RETREAT. Sorrow is twins. Library Exhortation old version'. "Study to bo quiet.,' "Heaven lies about us in our infancy," but she gets shy of u? in our later years when we are lying about her. AKTKIt Till: HATTI.K. The gridiron is a barren waste The bleachers stand and yawn The ditches yet half gore-tilled trace Where tunny a bloody light was on. A limb, ahead, some cast-oil' brains And here and theie a cast iron shield. Or Kansas sheet-iron pad remains, And bets "refunded" dot the Held High o'er that Held a waves With not a stain its folds to mar: And Woodruff on athletics raves In the columns of the K C. Star. Wave on proud pennant in your pride, The world of pure athletics tell! We'll cuss "Doc" Woodruff on the side The while he "practices" in Kansas City. WANTKD A MAN (NIT!). I used to think in the reign of Jones We needed a full grown man To crack some skulls imd break sonic bone.-., Thus to devise a plan To squelch once more That deafening roar In the Library. It. needs a regiment to quite restore Oli how my first thought sadly failed The peace and quiet of the days of yon; Where a full-grown man has failed To squelch once more That deafening roar In the Library. How doth the little football boys Improve the shining hours; And dig, and dig, and dig, and dig To 'pease uufrendl.v v-ow'rs. The (.J reeks are plunged in civil war About the Junior "prom" J 'or Athens vows no Spartan shall He chairman of the "(Join." While Sparta thinks her various braves Are all the men there are; And every one of them has hitched His wagon to a star. Wanti:i Trust worthy and active gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house. Monthly $ltft,(iQ and expenses. 1'ositiou steady. Inf erence. Enclose self-add ie-ed stumped envelope. Tint Dominion Company, Dept. v., Chicago. "Mike" Harlignn, who is now with a leading in surance company of Chicago, is studying law in a night school. Nebraska's Greatest Showing of Holiday Merchandise here awaits the Xmas shopper. Europe and America have contributed their productions to this immense collection and through our wonderful pur chasing power, wo arc enabled to oflfoi the greatest values, for the least money, you have over known. HERPOLSHBIMER & CO. Store Open in the Evening Until Xmas. J