The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 10, 1897, Page 10, Image 10
10 l,-,OOl,bllll litllKJUCl. Chancellor MacLoan manifested his appreci ation of the football boys by giving them a "Pennant Supper' at the Lincoln hotel last Friday evening. After the sumptuous feast the Chancellor, as toastmastcr, gave a short, talk on "The University." The following toasts were responded to. "The Alumni Rooter," Roscoe Pound; "Football from a Professional standpoint, "Prof. Caldwell; "Athletics in the University," Dr. Hastings; " Willie, Wy lie, Woolly G. Woodruff," Coach Robinson; "Our Friends,the Enemy," "V. II. Oury; "The Team that Won," Captain Shedd; "The Scrubs," Will Green; "Iron-Clad Front ami Brass," Will 11 ay ward. Those present, consisting of the first eleven, THE : HESPERIAN Tho board of regents are in session this week, K. K. I'lacek, a student of the University lias been given a duputy.ship at Geneva. Itussel Thorpe, who is attending college in Mo., is visiting the Hut as. Prof. Fling lectured before the class in History of Kilueatinn Tuesday night. His subject was "Method of Teaching History in the High School".." Wantkd Trustworthy and active gentlemen or Htlius U travel for responsible, established house. Monthly J" 0 1 and expenses, L'oMticm steady. Kef- crence. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. V., Chicago. The Hub is ottering its stock of clothing at a very low figure. Every student should avail himself of the opportunity of getting a good suit of clothes cheap. The following members of the Y. M. C. A. arc in attendance at the state convention second eleven and the Athletic board, report which is being held in Hastings: II. It. Tuck- a delightful time, and carry in their heart the wannest feeling for the Chancellor. Tho debating clubs have placed a very neat bulletin board in the hall of the main build ing. The entertainment committee of the college settlement has planned an entertainment for the evening of .Jan. (5 180S. Miss Luna Athens has again taken up her work in the University. She has been out of school three weeks on account of sickness. Tho Palladian society has taken the lead in postponing her regular literary, program on the evening of the opening of tho preliminary debates. Mr. Thayer who graduated from the Uni- er, Pi. A. Campbell, J. E. Boyle, W. J. Low rie, J. IT., Oliver Chambers, C. J. and C. L. Allen, W. .1. Robertson, J. IT. Sayer. C. C. Tellesen, J. II. Ovcrturf, C. C. Johnson and Prof. II. B. Ward. When buying presents for your friends at Christmas probably the lirst thing that sug gests itself to your mind is a book. The rea son is patent. The person who will not be interested in a book of some kind is the ex ception and not tho rule. Then again the price of books accommodates itself to the purses of all. You can buy a book for a child for a uicklo or a dollar. You can get them for the "grown tips" from si dime to what you please. Tho popularity which our Book and Stationery Departments have always en joyed is owing to the fact that wo always have varsity in '94 and who is a member of the class of '90 of the Denver Medical College is endeavored to give our customers the best visiting old friends at the University. vulue oWainnblo t the lowest possible profit. 'P,.,u,w ii., nUM ,i , This year we are in better shape then ever i. uwuuj "iim minvuu x uuiiu u.1111 jj C. Peterson gave a spread at the Capital hotel to a few selected football enthusiasts. Those present were Coach Robinson, Manager Oury, Will Hay ward, Geo. Shedd, Phil Russell. before to supply tho wants of our patrons. Wo can supply you with all the latest books such as Quo Vades by Lienkieviez, Choir In visible by Jas. Lano Allen, Christian Captains Courageous by Kipling at way down prices. Last Friday evening the Union society was We have cloth bound books at 10e and up uimblo to give tho musical program as sehed- ward. Poets .'Ific, gilt edged poets 50c. Sets ulod, on account of the severe weather nre- J Ma?aul'ly -Hull Caine, Marie Corelli, venting tho appei characters on the went in a oouy anu visiteu tno rauauian soei- ol our pn ety where an interesting program was given. Book & Stationery Dopt. Ilorpolshoimor & Co t of the severe weather pre- 0l Alacauluy, Hull Caino, Marie Corelli, the program. Tho members llt 08c per set. These arc but a lew samples md visited tho Palladian soei- of our prices.