THE : mSSPBRlAN ee k-fe.a.c. oj- ov aa . tt-v-Q. qv. oaok- .e $ (jca 5! Fits Gerald Dry Goods Co. J ( 1023.1021) O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. i I The Popular Cloak Department of the City. 6 f 1 1 Wo have somo excellent bargains to offer in our Cloak department,. Everything desirable in Ladies' J Misses and Children's Jackets. Cloth and Fur Capes, jj Collarettes. Muffs and Boas 9 j At Any Time. ------ OUft PRICE 3 ARE AS LOW AS GOODNESS GRANTS. 5 J We Have and Will be Very Glad to Show Them Come and Look at our- ERCOATS They Will Please You in Kind and Price "THE GLOBE" Clothes, Hats, Furnishings. The Globe, O 10th The Globe O 10th T RUNKS, VALISES Elegant Line of Pocket For summer Tourists and others Books,CardCaaes,Leather OLD TRUNKS IN EXCHANGE FOE NEW ONES. BoltS and NOVeltieS. Repairing a specially. Wirick's Trunk Factory, 1217 O St. BALDWIN BROS. HARDWARE CO. I2IO O Stroot, HANDLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves Cutlery, Bicycles, Skatss and Sharpeners. ) Stoves and Cooking Utensils. Guns fog Rent, NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT CO, 1217 O sfcraafc, wa3t half Trunk Factory. Pants made to order $4 $5 and upwards. Nobby Suits $20, upwards Goods by ynrd for Ladies' wear. End for children' wenr. All goods and work first cIjisi Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and See Us