THE : HESPERIAN 16 Catupliorcsis for painless jUling. DR. F. D. SHERWIN, DENTIST, Room J7 Burr Block, Second Floor Mullett Bros. Photographic Supply Co. 518 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, - MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carbutt's, Ham mer's and Seed's Dry Plates. Write for prices and particulars. We take special pains to please Stu dents wnen turmshing them with COAL AND WOOD. Hutchins & Hyatt Office, 1040 O St. Tel. 236. Dont Experiment. Qet the best in the first place. There nro FOUNTAIN PENS unci Fountain Pen Yon waul tho CENTURY. FULLY WRRANTED Prloo 83.00 imtl up. Ask our agent to show thorn lo you. Century Pen Co., Whitewater, Wis. Photographs Jfafa Special rates to students --f fmtf&L 1 A- sSK. "f' a v $3M$k 'l-' Silver Medal awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown, N. Y., June, 07. THE LINCOLN CONSERVATORY NEBRASKA MMmmimm Wi' II ERA i Bill fflSMBHK i 'fiffif Wmmffi OF MUSIC I a STRICTLY IIlOll Ui(Dn. l.Niili'U 1 IO.N whore only l'IU8T CLAMS musical Instruction is given, nail at uaut tiik kxpkwib of othor Institutions of tho snine kind lUvlng a faculty of twelve thokouoiily competent iniuuc torb, many of them holding diplomas from tho best European and American Conservatories of Music, toguhor with n thor ough aku pnoonaBBivE course, loading to graduation, and founded on tho host foreign and American methods of Instruc tion. Weekly pupil's recitals, faculty concerts, and tho same fiiek advahtaus obtained elsewhere. Wo have many pupils throughout this and adjoining utatcti, as well us from other music BChooIs, who will testify to our thor ough and painstaking Instruction. Wo will bo pleanod to rorer anyone to them TEUM8 OF TVITIOX Wrtnn TljtnarttnJnt Twenty hlf hour lessons, beginners Twenty half hour lessons, two each weak Twenty three-quarter hour lessons Twenty hour lessons s.oo 10.00 15.00 20.00 JHpe Organ Department ' Twenty hour Icsboiib Volte Department Twenty half hour IcsaonH Violin Department Twenty threo-quartor hour lessons Mandolin and Guitar Twenty half hour lessons Harmony and Theory Department Twenty private half hour lessons All tuition mutt be paid each half term (Jive ueekti in andvance. Letiont lost will not be made up only in cate of protracted Ulneit. Summary of pupils attending tho conservatory from Septem ber 1U0O until Juno 1897, Wano. 01 ; Voice, 63; Violin. 15: Mandolin r.nd Guitar, 32; Or gan,3; Harmony, Theory and Elocution, 8; Total 811, being a gain of 01 puplb over last year. Tnero have also been given over forty recitals and concerts by tho pupils and faculty . moo 0.00 90.00 10.00 10.00