The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, December 03, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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Local uiul PerHonnl. Miss Samh Taylor 'DO, of South Omaha
If you want a shave, go to Wosterfiold's. schools was in Lincoln last week visiting
Mr. J. A. Reed of Beatrice did work at the friends.
University during Thank saving recess. Walter Hunting was on the sick list dur-
The Co-op is selling stationary at u very ing the Thanksgiving recess. ITo has suffloi-
low figure.
Mr. Howard of Weeping Water visited his
son, Giry, Saturday.
Dr. Clyde Davis, dentist. .Richards hlock.
Inspector Crabtree was a foot ball enthus
iast at Council Bluffs last Thursday.
And now tho boys have quit playing foot
ball, and have joined tho "Awkward Squad.''
R. & C. stands for Richerson & Cole, tho
popular barbers at 114-1 O Street.
Alfred llorne '00 spent his vacation with
his parents in Grand Island.
Claude Reed spent his vacation at Beatrice
with his father.
Miss Eva McCuno ate turkey with her
brother, in Nebraska City, last Thursday.
J. D. Dennison spent Thanksgiving Day
With a friend' at Eldorado, Nobr.
Full lam of tablets and history covers at.
the Cooperative Book Co.
Miss Mabel Dempster visited in Beatrice
during tho recess.
For holiday goods remember D. T. Smith,
watchmaker and Jeweler, 1140 O st.
Roy Sawyer spent Thanksgiving with
Omaha friends.
Scott & Shannon, lonsorial artists. S. E
corner 12th & 0 sts Give us a call
Tho University contributors to tho North
Western Monthly for December are Professors
Caldwell, Fling and Sherman.
Chancellor MacLean gave an address at
Rushville last Friday before tho Northwestern
Nebraska Teachers' association.
Nice Dress Shoe, Vesting Top, Coin
toe S3. Foot Form Store, 1213 0 st.
Mr. Hall gave a supper to several of his
college friends at his home, 30th & R Sts.,
last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Shank of Red Oak, Iowa has been
, i , TT ! t
onuy recovered to resume university won.
Miss Mary Tremain delivered an address
on "Cromwell" before tho P. E. 0. of Platts
inouth last Saturday evening.
I). W. Crabtree has charge of tho History
department at Wesleyan this week during the
absence of Prof. Bowlis.
Yule Bros. Hand Laundry. All work done
by hand. No extra charge for repairing.
1417 O street. Phono 754.
Mr. Neal Wyne, editor of tho Peru Enter
prise spent Thanksgiving with Messrs. Hut
chinson and Jay.
This Shoe is black Box Calf, Coin
toe 82. Foot Form Store, 1213 O.
S. W. Pinkerton could not bo found Thanks
giving day at all. Dont know where ho was,
We do not break collars: they are turned
by hand. The Best Laundry, 2249 0 street.
Tel. 579.
Mr. Will Boose spent Thanksgiving at Pal
myra. Will says ho had a fine time and all
know ho did.
J ust received 200 pairs of ladies' university
gymnasium shoes which wo are selling at
75c. Sanderson, Schuremau & Davis, 1213 O.
Miss Myrtle Wheeler spent her short va
cation with her parents. She took in the
"Pall" feed also.
Miss Eva Leonard came home in time to be
with her Palladian friends Wednesday even
ing. Mr. E. A. Moore spent his vacation at his
homo in Red Oak, la. "Zeko" says ho can
stand it till Christmas now.
Box Calf Hand Sowed Shoes, New toe
83. Foot Form Store, 1213.0 street.
The Micro jcopo Club mot Weduesdav
night Nov. 21. Dr. Bessoy, Mr. Clements,
Dr. Philbrick, Dr. Pound, Mr. Dales and Dr.
visiting her daughter, Miss Florence, this Ward had papers and a number of very inter-
weeic. CBung tniues.