The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, November 05, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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!''( fv Croin Prof. Hhukt.
and finest iiiHlrumeinl. and also the greatest
A loll or from Ti'of. Tinnier dn tod Sept. ' imunlwr and assortment of cyllindors. Toniglit
lias just washed his Vmyvwsity friends. The in tihe chapel. Admission 3 n cunts.
Professor was on Ins way to Paraguay 'from
Uucmos Ayres and was Ihiwihig a 'delightful United: a good mum lo solicit among slra-
saflmptlhe Paraguay mr, Alibis boating 'ueilUs- H7 () slu-cct.
lisqnilo'dinbroiitifroiipoooan sniffing, mo flrigli Tnvo Jurksof Fairlmiy .and J. R. Burks
waves or son -sidloncsa. The scenery too, -of TJoalirlcicv. TotHi P.etas, came -up to sec the
nllorig (flic Paraguay ns 'quite '(snoliaintiing com- ml& oators down tilic tigers,
pared wiitili lihe 'voi;y tflat imd monotonous Tail o 5 ros. Hand Laundry. A31 work -done
painpas 'country Khat II Iliad p'evii on sly passed Iry hand. No extra charge for repairing,
'ovorlbyutainroaditiuaihis. 'tfUieflian'ksjvrelhigmiand MilT'O street. Phone 754.
II fluffy, vfliTle (flic ooun'tiry liadk us gen lily roll-
ring, 'doited Ihore .andHliioitewilih woods and -;" Wlil-oiiil Kiicy ComtoB:
,,.,.,. ... n , rm ,,. n .James Wihuuomb TlHe3 the Honsmr-pouL -will -ap-
square,grcn fidlds o1 wiheat. Wlie tiamn liousos ,,.,. ,11,1;i,.I.,. . ,., -,, ! , , ,
M ' . . 'Iwu 'nndcrthe auspices of t h e Woman 's'Glub at the
are low, white baOdmgr.. tit us mow spring Lansing, Monday evening Nov. 22.
and tlheoountry looks much like middle-jVlny Although IRiley i-, known chiefly us the great ipoet
time in the Tinted Slates, wnui propped "if the BToosiei-. dial wit, and in thiMiH imastcrly, mnap-
makes unc feel more contented. pmnehable and trim: that lie can write asipnro I3ng-
.... iii- i ji i '''" itsoven ShIlcy rir Keats, niauv cummin lliis-var-
VH course each day bring new bird and ni- . tlc . ,e . .' ". ," uu"stu
,. , . . . mnh volumes bear witnefm. '1 n Homoof these Ihe tin
sect life which make in duties more mum- ' a deliKhtfnl way. the-dbai:ao.
-orous. U cvpeet to ptnul three weeU on this iteniKtios or (Longfellow, TennyHou and imanyothor
trip and then perhaps 1 ma go (in nip to of Hbe 33iic:Hs'b hkmUk. What Ihe Uian ibeon s uooeM n'l
Bolivia rfeirouinKtanee demand. At iiroscnt "1LM,M "H U"' "'J' itiio -vivid .manner nn wMdh
tli ore scum .U lu- wii'hv i.hivr ItieunU in all
iVrgoiitiiiuir only about one-tentih as
ilast yanr.. II2vn these are sickly a.nd wdlll
prdbn'b'ly 'do font littHe (barm t'hi year. Wbon
U irutiuim ffroin tlhisitiiuip ILciqiect .tiojm'ciadtt!hr(!0
'distiinol 'disoases ifor tiriull; jiif ifiin Uionu,
anotlhor from ihwinc umd a third ifiicnn :Soutlh
Affiuda. UUosiflos cibUtwvhig allll 4ih(?llost, mow
pOHsilfle wihfle irn IT!aiitug.iiTV and iii!girtiina U
wvanltloimalco.a good ofl!U!tJJn of iinsuolstfor
anysolf.and itllie I'uwvaiwHy trt !Nidbl:nflca..,',
nclliinmi '5ii'r,-
UMio IDdlians 'jjives iinitMJ' piano-dund iliunufltt
(toncuitt tlhis wuning in the -olia,ptfl. Ullm uon
(iuul wtril ounsist 'of atflocliions by tilic IDa'Uy-Jho
Ciuart utile '(f Ifnatiri(iK. and jihonograp'h sdloc dhargool' TVIr. !I'uvid Abbolit of lljin
f(lii. yilie quanUitite conHislH of 5V1. If.
.Holrwant., !L. H. Htringw, J. M. JuSidJe and
'Goo. 'Jt. Wilbur. Thit Uluur lii-nt ajjpun.r
inf" bofojie n Cnivci-HitN audience, and if you
ilo not, .attend the coneoiU ytn iiuhh a ohauce
ofilutaring a line quartette. "Mr. Abbof.1 is
known t.) all orcheHlrn and band meli of the
trwi'Voi'Miiy a a pruminHiit ijiUayji 'tfl' Hjhi
coln. 'I!le was the ifh'Mt to 'bring .a ewncoiit
jihonograph to illhe crty and iIiiih the 'laj.'gcHt
ILoncfdllowiiKirwjullod iin it.lmtfo'l lowing-
UDown iin itlienilglit I lieiiritlinni;
y'lie Yoioi'B itinkiifrwn (imgiiesied
'Jlliut hlHpur, and liup, aiidtniiirinnr..
And will mot lint unc
"VolooBttliatHoein to qiicKtiou,
Qnumknowii word. ifwit
'CDflfalndeiiK ventures andlbojicft iind'dreaniH
'Of tt bis and ithe vwcifld to Ibe.
Voii!K.(r mirth andiiniiKu,
ABiin HiunptuoiiBlhonu's; and noundK
'Orimuiirning. aBofgatlmningifiUwidK
IJn .uountry bunial-groundK.
((ladunui1 of nuiidnu vvolni
'J'huir ilovurs Hflmid wJtli .theHis;
And'OfilittliMihiUlrnu Hinging,
Ah iiuidr ordliard itrooH.
Wriii'donpiiHt'drnauiH II Ihuar
IMNHngtlic atinoMjiliui'e.
iMnt (wor andmHirthnmiiiairhiR
U'-iiltui and tfuIlB and idhiH,
Andoirlytho hIIuiiuu 'C.iiaviir
Wlthithu Hoitnow .of nnjj- h$h.
Audi! amwur.; t(D -voIuch yt iiymol
Miihe iiiieuitiddi'Hliiiid
trill imy own miiuii, unltllng wltih mi.
ILnMiiH" JJoiv Oulf Mwott Nobby RtiylnitO att IFodI flown. &l,om H.SM& Mnuw