The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 29, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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journals wore prolmbly glad their great anlng- vcrsity students is the fact that the game ir
onist was gone, for Dana was the only one of suited in sueh a disgraceful affair, mainly
t lie whole group who was really great. Pul- because of the conduct of one of Nebraska's
itzer, Bennett, and Whitehnv Kiwi all had former students and players. To Flippin,
suffered from Dana's keen attacks and wore
unable to forget even when the caustic pen
was laid down for good and all.
The amount (hat Director Hastings is doing
for outdoor athletics is almost incalculable.
By his cllbrts the football team got down to cuts. ho is i)nlttli, iin(i a professional slugger
once Nebraska's famous colored right tackle,
is attached most of the blame. Flippin has
done more, perhaps, than any other western
man to bring football into popular disfavor,
lie takes into the game no brains or skill; he
believes in winning by crippling his oppon-
earnost work at least two weeks earlier than
in former years. Much of the systematic
team training is due to his suggestions. He
sides, Dr. Hastings has been the prime pro
moter of the freshmen-sophomore held meet
and has created more interest in this meet
than has ever heretofore existed. But, best
of all, Director Hastings is the uncompromis
ing foe of "professionalism." With such a
man at the head of the physical training de
partment we may hope to be stronger in ath
letics; we are sure to have cleaner athletics.
The game to be played with Missouri to
morrow will not be merely one of the insist
exciting and hardest fought contests to be
seen on a western grid-iron, this year, but
upon the result of this game depends largely
to which team the Western League pennant
will go. Should Nebraska win this game her
chances for the pennant will be exceedingly
encouraging. Should she loose, the prospect
for the triumph of the scarlet and cream Avill
be anything but Hattoring. Do not go to the
Nebraska allowed him to remain on her team
longer than she ought. Hut, now that this
disgrace to the truly college game, is so well
known, any college which will tolerate his
presence on its team, for even a ten minute
half, has no right to compete for inter-collegiate
athletic honors
Mr. Bruce Bced of Beatrice made his son,
( laude, a visit Saturday.
Judge Hush of Heat rice called on his son
Hal who is taking the law course here.
.Judge Blacker of Texas was visiting his
niece, Miws Crandoe, last week.
A new set of white window shades have
been placed on the windows in Union hall.
Twenty two students have expressed their
desire to become members of the University
chess club.
.1. D. De-unison was called to his homo in
Clarion, Iowa, last week by the scvoro illness
of his brother.
Messrs. Boy Torrence and P. Harrison of
game Saturday simply to get your "money's "Weeping Water wore at the University this
worth." Co there with a little loyalty! (Jo week.
there determined that mt will do four shurn
to help Nebraska's sturdy sons triumph over
Missouri's tigers'! (Jo there in organized
"squads," with the loudest and most spirited
yells, with the enthusiasm of college students
and the true loyality to our alma malar
Do this and we .shall have done our duty to
our team. Do this and our team will WIN.
AV. L. Knolls, editor of the Beatrice Daily
Times, shook hands with several University
friends last week.
II. B. Campbell, father of Hugh and Claud,
visited the boys Sunday. Mr. Campbell was
a member of the state legislature last winter.
Aug. Wagoner, Fred Abbott and Boy Ack
er Avheeh'd up to their homes in Columbus
The Chicago Physicians met the Jovu State "! St. Edwards last Friday returning Mon-
I'niversity at Towa City last Saturday The (KV-
result Avas not a football game but a disgrace- C. A Uagey was taken w'th an apeloplie
ful slugging match. This in itself would, lit Avhilo practicing in the gymnasium last
perhaps, not bo of much interest to Nebraska Saturday. Ho is-in poor health and will
students, What is of most interest to Uni- probably go home to rest.