The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 29, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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! 1
rpilK -TPKRlAN
Iisnoil Weekly 1). the IIkm'Muan Wm ixtkinoT tlio I'nlvolty
of Ncbriibkn.
Olio cop , por pullego jonr, In ndvnnce
oiio copy, ones soinuMor
An'HiiTi.iNn ItATNo os Arn.iuATioN.
Till llKSI'K.lMAN notices 1)V tllO 1 lulllSt 'Us
published nt Hrookings 8. 1). that Albert S.
Harding, who last year took his M. A. under
Professor Caldwell, is now at lb ' 1 or (he
history department in the South Dak ta Ag
riculture College. Mr. Harding, wl .le here,
was recognized as an extraordinarily hard
working student with considerably more than
spoi-lnl piKlonvor will lie rnude to maVo Tan UnsfUnuN tntur- (,0 average limoUUt of ability. Mill, Ills Up
UMIiii; 10 iiirmur nuiugih"S i'iuii"o auu i in yum MiuHiHuiiin.
jffSiilior!pllun!i un our book will be oontlnnod until
ordered stopped.
Allrunll eoinmnnlPnltoiis to I'iib Hshi'Ikiav, I'nlvorslty
of Nplimskn, Lincoln. Nobniskn.
PBIMJ MdllMv Manaoim. Kiiitok
K . 1'BltltY ... . A'Mmtavt
.1. I) DKN'lxON Hdl'nrliil
MA It I'll A CIIAITICI.I, l.ocnl
I' K KiKiKltToN Athletic
UWMtlKT PAcKUtl) - l.ocnl
HK Al. HICKMAN I.ltomn
U o rrT'iN l.ocnl
IIKItTIIV riXKKUroV ' - Alumni
Let the slogan be: "Clean athletics, or none
at all."
A leader is sometimes del'eated
ol'icner disgraced.
-a iiohs is
After a uareful review of the situation, the
IIksi'Kkian reserves its predictions concerning
the probable outcome of the mayoral ity con
test in Greater Now York for the next issue.
(Jen. M. Tollman multi-inillionaire, has
gone to his reward. His mourners, if there
are any, do not appear to be very domonstra-- Wosloynn management. To coach Thomas
belongs the whole blame, lie was simply in-
pointment to tliis important poSMiiOh is not
merely a recognition of Mr. Harding's ability;
it is si creditable rolleetion on the University
department of American history.
That the present athletic board desire to
do that which is for the best interests of Uni
versity athletics, no one acquainted with tho
situation, can deny. In the recent election,
of baseball, track and tennis managers, there
was no attempt to recognize fa "t ion, iv) incli
nation to succumb to wire pulling. The board
desired men fitted for the pines, men who
were representative of the University. The
IIksimciman congra tula tea the board in select
ing thro1, men for these places so earnest in
their demand for clean athletics, ho far above
faction and so high in intellectual attainments.
0 The dishonorable attempt made lust Satur
day by Wesley an representatives to postpone
the Cnivorsity-Wesloynn game, whieh had
been fairly and definitely scheduled, is not to
be charged up to the discredit of Wesloynn
University. Neither is it chnrgnblo to the
tive his immediate boil's least of all.
Of course we arc to cheer our boys and ap
plaud their good plays in tomorrow's game.
Hut we must not forget that the visitors are
entitled to all the respect due to guests. These
men come to us ah gentlemen and are deserv
ing of gentlemanly treatment.
dignant because the Univei'sity refused to al
low him to play. The only blame which can
be attached to Wosloyan is for hiring a coach
-who has the reputation of being so grossly
unfair, so indifferent to his contracts and
With the exception of the Journal, the
New York papers treated the death of Charles
A. Dana merely as a c dorless piece of news.
The breech between Iowa and Missouri is
unfortunate for the Western Football League.
Town claims not to have been paid the guar- The ending of his great career called forth no
antee last year, and also of ill treatment upon expressions of regret and no words of praise
the field. Upon a refusal of Missouri to pay from his metropolitan contemporaries. Xeith-
tbe last year guarantee Iowa refused to play or The World. The Herald ma-The Tribune
the championship game. What will be the made any editorial comment upon the event,
outcome is a matter of conjecture. in thoir secret thoughts., tho editors of these
Jilais Hand Sowed Calf, C'ti'f Lined Slwas. $,i I' not Form Stove, 121,1 0 Street.