MAYER BROTHERS 121 to 126 N 10 st Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods acd Shoes Ready to Wear or Made to Order Best of Materials, Best Attention Lowest Prices BALDWrNBRQS7 HARDWARE COT MANTLE Guns and Ammunition, Footballs, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves Cutlery, Bicycles, Skates and Sharpeners. Stoves and Cooking Utensils. Guns for Rent. 1210 O Eiroot NEBRASKA PANT and SUIT CO. 1217 O street, west half Trunk Factory. Pants made to order $4 $3 and upwards. Nobby Suits iiO, upwards (Jooil- by jimi fur LaliV wvnr. fori-liMn-iT- v. AH jsnm1 ami u,rk Or-i !... Satisfaction Guaranteed Come ami See Us When you write To your friends II ll HIT '" " " " win an uinitt wvrt Jo islt .vn juM Mtl x M4iM'i-iit lik- thin: "Bi- Jtv to laU iliu liurtliifruiii Kuw. U' muoli alio li.i 1 .... You ' 4il ai I K " if ' 'UMMmiw'ni-i! fjoni ClTS. I'"' i-iu. St- Ltui ami Kai til m faul all Mirti'rii, tntliiHKl'ni ami hmUIhtu ctifs is juai as 1 a our xt'mli'f l im- point'. Aim! ilmt.a will i4tify. w ! Imi t"'J "" nttimi at U. A- M. 1-1"1 Htjr ofll' (Nr.r lMli ami () fclrwt. G. W. BUNNELL, C P. & T. A. DR. F. D. SIIER1VIN, DENTIST, Room 17 Hurr Block, Second Floor YOU nuiy squirm, pull, push or struggle, luit fjoino. collars will not fit some shirts. Our shirts urn! collars lit. Let us show you some. Call and se us auywtry. CAPITAL SHIRT LO A- KKUXttlt, .catling shtrtutnber ant! Furn- E. S. KINQ F'E WATCH REPAIRING Scientific- Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Hyes Successtully Pitted. No Atropine. No Lost Time. 1300 0 St. Lincoln, Neb.