: m & v-J m r.t, S IT) THE CINCINNATI SHOE STORE Guarantee their goods to you at the low est possible prices ' WE ALSO DO REPAIRING Give ns a call and be convinced 1220 O street. Th" attraction sit the Lansing theatre. Satur d'lV )abi . will hi' tin1 proline ion heiv l the chinning rnmnu" of the mountains entitled "Tennessee's Purdnor." Tlio story of the play clev erly recounts tlio adventures of soino rough but iKthle-hfurtoil iniuors and a young southern girl whom thoj have adopted on the death of her fnth"r y t'te mines The story appeals to all classes of tle-ater-goers, the gallery as woM ns tlio ihvs cirelo. 'Tennessee's Pitrdiicr" is in four aets. and has boon acknowledged by com potent orities to be a master piece The oomody hinges on the first wedding in camp; the quaint sayings of the looal coroner; the rough lovo-.naking of one of tlio miners with his pretty ward; tho ludioi s serenade of the Rooky Miuutiiiii baud: the sweet singing of the (iohleu Nu"'et quartette; and ihe funny doings of a chron ic T'mr and liis nvoivioii to work his witiy (lia-hvui- with his sour spouse and his love of whisUy, a,r, ,i self-importance. Th p-iihollo parts are t'e ou ' -outhern girl's first intimation of her father's death, l ho deception pruotiood on one of the miners by an adventuress, and tho tragic death of her liruthor. Tlio company has given over WO perform aneesof the play during tho past two suece-sful t,mrs in (ho largo eastern eiilos a perfect Mngo pro duction is assure I our theatre goers, r roin the large ndvatiou sale already, the indications are that the comimiiy will be greeted by a full house, Seats on sale Thurwlny lit 0 a. in. Prices il. 7r.o, Cue mid Mil " rhTS MY WASHOU"1' First National Bank Ii1ne(lii, 'ol)i'iibli. (VPITAL - SIOO.OOO.OO .Mm I. rnrH.ni. twblent, f). P. 'Mnlr, Cmtuter II. D Freeiiinii A't CHhtor. Leming's Old Stand Bokseller SfcoMower anil Dealer in Wall Paper A new line of Touchers' IJMesu received ANDDLINS GuitarS"Banjos. The Wnshhtirn is the one nod only make of world-wide reputation. Sold by first-class dealers everywhere from i:nn imward. Inn .ated extensively. so' be sure that the name "George Washburn" is burned up n the inside. A beautiful Washburn Book contain ing portraits and letters from tne De Reszkcs, Calve, Earners, Nordicn, Scnl clii and too other famous artists and teachers, mailed free upon request. Address Dept. U, LYON & HEAL1 Cor. Wabash Ave. and Adams St., Chicago. The NAIV.ETHECUnANTfct SPALDING'S rOOT BAM. SUPPblFS FOR '97. 'Every Roqu'Rlto for iho Cfimn Mnimeer!- wilt rt well to writ fur wttnptw. and speoU) mien 51 " lii'forti i.urclim.ii(f Tlio simlillHK fillW-lfil I'imu IIhII iiaiM'twl by "Wle. Prineoloii. ', ,-vtviiiitH nrv.irl. corni-r. iint nil otlmr lemllim i.nlviwl W"mbH,m':lK.l Honumll'lniKt, for IHDT. wllio.1 by Walter II .... I lit niilllil rump ro-.e". ..-". .. . ..... .. rtw rftI, iiiuiKmui-"! """ - ...i...i..i.,i.i.. Wiiulilnirtllli riilMbmiii' r "u huh iiih'i Nin cMmTA- G.SpaUlmg & Brtn l