The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 29, 1897, Page 12, Image 12

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Ham Sackett ?).s law, went to Cameron.
Mo. Sunday to a isil with lux lather.
The ( 'Jo-op is selling stationary at a very
low figure.
A. C llershoy, who was compelled to leavo
school lust week beoaupo of sickness, 1ms ro
tnrnccl to resume his work.
We do not broak collars, they ore tmnccl
by hand. The Host Ijumclry, SS4Q 0 street.
'Pel. o7J.
A joint mooting of the Christian Awoeia
Dr. Clyde Davi-. dentist. 4th lloor Richard-
The latest Street Car Time Table free at
Gardners Tailor Shop. Will make a suit or a
pair of pants almost as cheap as ready made.
Suits pressed iJOc, pants 1.V, cleaning and re
pairing at lowest prices. Cor. lith and () St.
As wo said boforo Charles B, Gregory hns
coal to burn and tit low prices. Students
ploaso call and s onr 'slock.
Chas. 13. Gregory
lions of the State rniversity was held in Del- of N eok woofl
inn hall la Sunda . R. W. Thatcher lead. Qffiw t Q SL phono .
Yards M and V. Phone 4fcS
Ciel the best in the first place.
tur.itK aim:
rotJNTAIN puns
itixl roiinliiln J -n-
Vim want ili LNTl'KY I'm yl and up
Ask your agent to show them to you
Con tiny Pon ( 'o
TL & C stands for Wiehorson & Cule. the
popular barber- at 1144 Street
c. M. itarr of utfiiiioiri in'ia.ediiietiea- Dont Experiment
ur tit' the Hi-ril.lW one dollar tlii week
C. M. said "l.tii'k to the old lli.-ri IM N."
lcLo T. Mnith sells and repair- watches
jeelv. etc. 11 4(1 () St.
Kid"" Walking ha- been dunning" ccr
jun'or ihi- we-k t'ov mne T-r 1he purpose of
purchasing a new pig skin.
J'"ull line of tablets ami history covers at
the Coopv'rative Hook Co.
Henry Dempster of Heat rice came uo to the
t'niversity Saturday night to visit his sinter,
Mis Mabel and also take in the minstrel
Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. K
corner i'ith & () sts (Jive us a call
The Vnionswill huhl their Hallowe'en party
at tin home of Miss nnette Abbott in the
south part of Lincoln halurda cM-niug. There
will Ik- no society meeting Friday exeuiug.
Lincoln's llu-tlers" are the people to buy
of. if ou don't know em. tr their Three
llcattl-." 'l'he art i-heap and hot a-!
Ieiiu-lani.i al-o. Phone 4 lo. 120C l.
The total gan lect it- for Saturday '- loo-
li.lll game Wei' " f " eelu-iC of - a -oil lieki't-
I lii'i' U'i'i about .'too n tie on tlh' ground
- tin -t!i ot -i a -on tiektt- nnt-t In
Di ki teliuui. ()euli-i and Aurist. Uichani-'
Lhock IV' it- di-'a-e- of I In "'. ear. Hose
and throat, and is lulls e piippd with in-lrii-mciiH
littiiu g'a-- without mydriatic.
All f t- reasonable.
Tim One Groat Stitidnrtl Authority,
UTiL 11 II .'J I ll 'i I
.limll I - "lltf lln "Mil
huctriuunr oj lite
" Unabridged."
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Liul in' Box Calf Shaw A'tilihu SI yh h :! TO ot h"iu,l Fin in Sim, I J IS 0 street