THE : ILlSSriflRIAN ) serves hot (or attention than it, is at. present receiving. AVe have players sufficient in num bers and quality to makeup a vigorous ele ment in the "University Athletics. Let tlie organiatisn ho revived; lot a little loyalty go Guarantee their goods to you at the low- ui i vim game and put u. on a par with our other physical pastimes. THE CINCINNATI SHOE STORE The student who attends a literary society simply -when it is conducive to his or her 'pleasure is often the student who aspires to "run" things. As a mutter of self preserva tion the societies should adopt a policy of ridding itself ol such influence The student est possible prices WE ALSO DO REPAIRING Give us a call and bo convinced 1220 o street. RAZORS Ground and set at 118 So. 13th Kb-ant-. who wants everything from the society, and Charges Reasonable. who is incapable or unwilling to give any- Work Guaranteed. thing in return, is not the one to lead. j- tj "RROWN The athletic board adjourned last. Saturday As we said before Charles B. Gregory has coal to burn and at low prices. Studonts please call and see our stock. Chas. B. Gregory U. of N. '91, doaler in coal, coke, wood. Office 1100 0 St. Phone 343 Yards 14 and Y . Ph one 488 E. S. KING FINE WATCH REPAIRING Scientific- Refracting Optician Weak and Strained Eyes Successfully Fitted. No Atropine, No Lost Time. 1300 O St. Lincoln, Neb. without electing a lmsc ball manager. )oth base ball manager and track manager will bo elected tomorrow. The IIi:sim:uian believes that the board can be trusted to select men Tor the plaees who are not the tools of some tactions, who are not compelled to make weekly visits to the ollieo of the registrar, but who are representative men and who stand head and shoulders above the "sporty" ele ment which at one time controlled Univer sity athletics. The football game between Tarkio and the University last Monday did much in the way of creating student interest in foot ball. In the tirst place the new students were shown the meaning of college spirit. The yells and enthusiasm were scarcely lessened by the un favorable atmospheric conditions. The old students became more enthusiastic because of the unexpected strength of the team. The team has generally been considered light, and the result at Ames made us fear that it lack ed good training and systematic work. But such is not the case. In Turner, Hanson, and Herbert, wo have strength and weight. In Schwartz, "Wiggins, and Stringer we have agility and head work. In Shedd and May wood wo have two "all round" men who can scarcely bo equalled in the western league. The prospect for a strong team could not bo better! Student interest is on the increase!! The pennant is already in sight!!! First National Bank Ijlnooln, TlraHlcn. CAPITAL - 8 100,000.00 John I,. Cut-ami, Pronlilout, . i). Mulr, CiiHhler. II, D. Kruoumn Ass't Cunhlur. Dont Experiment. Get the best in the first place. THERE APE FOUNTAIN (PENS nml Poimtntn Tonw You want thu UENTUHY. Prioo $2 mid up FULLY WARRANTED Ask your agent to show them to you Century Pein (Jo Whitewater, Whwiui-in.