EH I ;i s THE bio expense. The inclemency of the weather on Thanksgiving day last year left a large de ficit. Our team must be equipped this year to compete with the strong Universities of Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. Our coach must be paid and other expenses met. If the alumni would contribute even a small amount each a sufficient amount would easily be raised. It is the purpose of the association to give every alumnus an opportunity to lend a helping hand to his Alma Mater either by a largo .or. small contribution. "Won't you help us out and put athletics on a firm foundation in the University? Your remittance can bo sent to Dr., Hastings, Physical Director, to Dr. bo led by Win Hall. HESPERIAN TjociiI uimI irNoiml. M. A. Hyde '98 has retarned. Mr. "William T. Home returned to school this week. Dr. Halstead led chapel exercises Tuesday morning. Gennin Towl has returned to tho Univer sity. Dr. Clyde Davis, dentist, 4th floor Rich ards blk. Miss Jennie Stuart has gone to Madison,. Nebr., for a weeks stay. The Y. M. C. A. meeting next Sunday will Miss Mamio Clements has left school tem porarily because of the illness of her mother. Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. E corner 12th & O sts Give us a call Miss Ruth Pyrtlo, Nora Davis and Libby Johnson were elected to active membership in the Delian society Friday evening. "We do not break collars: they are turned by hand. The Best Laundry. 2241) 0 street. Tel. 575). Whedon,Porter,Sumnorand Hob" Mauley went out to Raymond Monday evening and Ward or to W. H. Oury, manager of the team, University of Nebraska. Joseph H. Say or is still studying Psychol ogy at 812 North Hist. He is making very rapid progress in his work. He has registered for from one to three hours but is getting credit for more than that. Full line of tablets and history covers at the Cooperative Book Co. DeLoss T. Smith sells and repairs watches jewelry, etc. 1140 0 St. A crowd of boys consisting of Boomer. Searson, Terry, Morse, Lien and Mumford "K ' the Republican rally. had arranged to go down to Palmyra, on ' . R. Cash, it former student, but now a wheels, last Sunday to see John MeGufiy, but flourishing merchant at Rising City is visiting the rain of Saturday night put a damper on h8 parents. the plan. Mr. Searson insisted on walking ? Prof. C. R. Richards has been appointed out but the other boys persuaded "Jim" to ' superintendant of the machinery department wait for a more suitable time. ' of tho Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Lincoln's "Hustlers" are tho people to buy Student's Club. Best table board 82.2o. of, if you don't know 'em, try their Three "Beauts." They, are cheap and hot as ! Pennsylvania also. Phone 440. 120 0. Mr. B. G. Alniy received a letter Monday from his brother John, who will study at Bor lin.a couple of years. John wrote from Scilly Island, a litile way south of Ireland. Ho says ho has greatly enjoyed his trip so far and 'has been able to take his regular throe meals Special rates on nicely furnished rooms, fur nace and bath. 1448 P st. Mrs. M. L. Joyces. Several students were obliged to move out. of tho Buekstafl" Block this week. A mort gage sale of furniture was tho cause. R. it C. stands for Rioherson & Colo, tho,i popular barbers at 1144 O Stw'ot. Tho name of Miss Lou Smith was proposed a day. Sea sickness has bothered him very for ninenil tho Union society last Fri- little. Ho has found a number of young fel- "" U1B lows on tho Kensington who will study in Europe this year. John writes that ho must havo tho TTkhpkmax as soon as ho roaches Berlin. Mr. Christonor, business manager of tho Doane Owl, was at the University Monday. Mr. Christonor reports good prospects for tho "Owl" this year. Wo novor lose sight, of tho fnot that your interest is ours. Foot Form Store 1213 0 st i if i!