The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 15, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIK : 11
Tlio lo Spring.
This little spring bubbled up at the foot of
a great big, bare mountain just at the entrance
of Little Goose canon in the Rg Horn moun
tains. It "was situated in a lonely spot and yet 1
venture to say, there was not a more popular
plaee in that whole range of mountains. Here
every day the stage eoaeh stopped for luneh
with its load of pleasure seekers. Here the
mail man unharnessed his weary bronchos and
fed. And here ihe lonely prospector loosened
his packs, ate bacon and supped his coffee
made from the water of the spring. And at
night when lie lit his camp fire and lay down
to sleep the people away down in the valley
would see this flickering light and say, "Some
one's camped at the spring tonight."
Mr. Wilton "Whitney gave a lecture to tbe
fu-st year geology class Tuesday morning.
Mr. Whitney is chief of the Bureau of soil
culture at Washington.
Alumni INotos.
Mr. Miller, 1. L. '117, who is now living in
Franklin, has been in Lincoln the past week.
Miss Marv Sargent '07, is to be married
Thursday, Oct, '21, to Mr. Weese.
Mr. Jorgenson '07, is now in the employ
of the R & M. as a surveyor.
John Marshall 'Ott, an old alumni editor of
the llitsmniAN, is studying in this city.
0. R Bowman '1)4, was in Lincoln Satur
day and Sunday isiting relatives and friends.
Miss Nellie Compton ".)(. returned last week
from a visit to New York and Pennsylvania,
and resumed her work in the University
Miss Eva O'Sullivan '07, who is now teach
ing at Oeighton, writes that she has a very
pleasant school and eiyjoys the weekly visit
Of the UusiMCltlAN.
There were over twenty-five men at foot
ball practice yesterday evening,
"Shorty" Turner appeared on the football
field last Wednesday for the first time this
season. Everyone interested in the success
of our team was glad to see him out again, as
his weight and strength make him a valuable
man and one that is hard to replace.
The gymnasium classes were organized
Monday. This department has received a
great impetus this year as shown by the large
number taking the work. Dr. Hastings is
giving much of his time to class athletics. A
great interest is being taken in this work also
and each class is getting out some good ma
terial. The athletic meeting held last week has
had the effect of reviving flic football spirit
in the University to a considerable degree.
Nearly all of tbe class teams are out practic
ing daily. The strongest of these seem to be
the class of 1000. They have chosen an able
captain, in the person of Mr. Griffith, and are
preparing to land the plain when they line
up with the other classes. The new Second
Eleven are also doing some heavy work, un
der the management of Prof. Hastings, and
will be able to reinforce the First team when l). V. LaintVcriti
Collojro oI'Lnw Nolos.
Harry Oury i llie latest addition to ilu elites of 01).
C. h. Vilon '7JI, was a city visitor last week.
Tin' Maxwell uh Is nojri.iUitiiip Aitli tin- M. S. U.
Law College fui u jo lit debute.
Taoie :iro two mcmhcis of the '117 Mate legislature
la the eol'egc. Mevsrs (Jrosvenor ami SluilJ.
A. .1. Weaver A. H. ').. L. L. . Hifi was a visitor
tills week,
N, K. Hnrcli. a student of 'flfi-O, re-entered the
college this week. Mr. Hu.-cli expect.- to graduate
witli ".IS.
.1. A. ShighaUsaml Clias. K. Onko are the lihrnr
ians this year. Mr. Cnk is a graduate of Mon
mouth College, N. II.
Neaiy n!l the members of llie j-minr class are
taking elementary eloeution. .Mr. .Manning eon
duets special ola-es for the lawyers.
Tim registration continues to increase. This
makes the lawyer more anient than ever hi llie
belief llial the college of law is an exceedingly ho
o!taiit pari of the University.
At the MaxAvoll chili meeting Saturday evening
Messrs. (iiosvenor ami (iIIimhi will urge the justness
and equity of the deiicieucv judg neat act passed hy
the '97 legislature; Messrs Kemp and Lyuids avM
argue from another standpoint.
'Hie Maxwell Hull met for tin first time Satin day
evening. There un a lHrt Mlcndniicc and tleis,,
present were evidentlj there for the good they ex
pected to get out of debuting club work: not for
mirth tmd "Hemps." After mimic dlfflcnliy in ad
milting ncAV members the following ollieors were
ciccitai inr inn ni'si
term: .!. L. Wallaae, piusldent;
ii'oenleiit' M1Utll
C. C. Hiiiloy, vice president; Miss Still
e and Col. John Martin Tuck