IVTZZF .?$ Ki..: i a.. ifLF.mi?rJwm&&.'m& s- t? OV" feA !.?, ftAt BjjV JW Sk ft " r h ii4. u TI1E : HESPERIAN Iolmt8iajar Cll Ncv. The P. B. D. C. met Saturday evening and dis rnssotl the question: "Resolve!, that adherence to party is of minor importance in municipal cam paign." Snioycr and Sams upheld this idea while Waterman and Given attacked it. This week the club will discuss the question of political parties fusing. The club will elect a president tomorrow evening. President J. E. Pearson has accepted a position in Perkins & Slteldon's shoe store which has compelled him to tender his resignation. J. A. Maguire is now pouring over "Domestic Re lations" and Blackstonc's Commentaries. The IT. B. D. C. is mourning for fear Mac will join the Max well Club, and become politically corrupt. The secretary of the debating association urges every one who inteads to take pait in the debates, to join the association as soon as possible. There is a general feeling of enthusiasm, among the debating clubs, for the aspiring members have already begun to follow the secretary of the Univer sity association, in order to register foi the Kansas and Nebraska preliminaries. The time for registra tion does not expire until November 15th. .Anion 7 i lio Grcekw. Miss Blosont Williamson entertained several of her Univerfliiy friends last Friday evening. Kappa Alpha Theta njojcd a tally ho ride last Friday evening. Mrs. E. B. Sherman, nee Miss Edith Shaw, and son were visiting University friends this week. MUs Jane MeFarland entertained Kappa Alpha 1 beta last Saturday evening. Miss Helen Woods will entertain the Delta Gam mas at her borne FriHay evening. George A. Da vies, has been initiated into the m st cries ol Kappa Sigma fraternity. The Kappa Sigma initiated Wilbur S. Price, Ger maiu 'fowl acd Robert. Jenkins Monday night. The Alpha Tau Omega fraternity initiated Mr, James G. Miller, Monday evening. Prof. Milton Whitney of the United State Geolo gical Survey spoke in chapel this morning. Prof, Whitney is an authority on soils acd is not only do ing investigative work for the Agricultural Depart ment, but also looking for assistants in the Depart ment. There are position with good salaries wait ing for the proper men to fill them. The reluctance of those to whom they are offered foaccci them, is because of the nature of the work. This Is necessarily narrow, as it has to do mostly with economic qoes lions; but the men must not be narrow, and can bring as much theory as they like to the work. Western institutionsgive the best men to the depart ment, the most satisfactory hecauge willing' to look at-work from the shift of utilitj. They aru better fit el from their preparation. jtfiniHtrel Sliovr Given i.lio Twenty-Tliirtl. A minstrel show will be given Saturday, Oct. 23rd in the chapel for the benefit of the football team. Those who saw the minstrel show last spring are unanimous in its praise. The show last spring was for the benefit of baseball; the one this fall is to be given for the benelit of football. This show deserves a liberal patronage not only on account of the fact that it is given in the interests of a giod cause, but because of the merit of the performance. Since the renovation of the chapel it is admirably fitted for an entertainment of this kiBd. There will be three parts to tlie show, a minstrel, a few specialties and a new farce. It promises to more than duplicate the entertainment of last spring. There will be an unlinked supply of the latest popular songs, local "gags" and several new features. Tina is not a "barb-" or a "frat" affair,but a Univer sity affair. There will be theatre parties from nearly every organization iu the University. Remember the proceeds go to football, yet the performance itself is worth the money. As we said before Charles B. Gregory has coal to burn and at low prices. Students please call and see our stock. Chas. B. Gregory U. of N. '91, dealer in coal, coke, wootf. Office 1100 O St. Yards 14 and Y. Phone 343 Phone 488 v P g KING FINE WATCH REPAIRING Scientific-: Refracting Optician . WMk ami StrstoMl Eyes 5cceMtuMy Ffete. No Atropine, N Lost Time. 1300 O St, Lincoln, Neb. First National Bank Ilneotn, 7Vo?rttX. John L. Carton, PreMeit, f. 1. Mutr, Ctiler H. D. Freeman An't Quhler. CaiaplioresU for palnlcs filling. DR. F. D. SHSRWIN, li DENTIST, Room ry Bnrr msdt, Si Men's Brown Canvass Gymnasium Shoes 75c, Foot Form Store 1213 O Street iJA r"vf ' r"mnm -jBBm leJU Wpw KSi WSis&i iiS " '"' i?fOTWWwiiwrwiiMwasgyjiww3ra &&&& & 'MmtmmS&Bm