3&$ ;,-A ?" inhjr -jm TITE : HESPERIAN 13 Cameras Amateur Photo Supplies I have a complete line of supplies for all sizes of cameras. Call and see tbem. D. E. DePUTRON R.imu 5. 1041. 0 f-t THE GLOBE asks you to call and see its NEW FALL AND WINTER SUITS They will please you in Style, Fit and Price. The Globe, O 10th The Globe O 10th Photographs Special rates to students ftSfci. Silver Medal awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown, N. Y-, June, i7. RUNKS, VALISES f6 e ofTpoet For ummer Tourists and others old na is iii MJwna Belts d Novelties. RePainng a scatty. Wirick's Trunk Factory, 1217 O St. Students will please notice that THE DOMESTIC DINING HALL has changed management- It is now in the bauds of Mrs. S. M. TURBETT, an experienced lady in this work. Students will receive prompt attention. The Place, Cor. 12th & P Sts. Meals ioc, Gentlemen You are invited to see My Special $15 and $17 Suits Made by hand. First class references can be furnished as to my artistic ability Cleaning and repairing done correctly. Artistically yours, 31. k. 3i-i-.Ai"CJiir-i:v, 1240 0 St Lixcolx, Neb. Mullett Bros. Photographic Supply Co. 518 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, - MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carbutt's, Ham mer's and Seed's Dry Plates. Write for prices and particulars. gSFjfv . iWV (iifi"' I'lWW4'" ,Vitf JWISwKil Jwffe , flM. . -ItisfeUK ".' M. fer - w 1 l$tj&v " I 1 ' . 1 w " Vr -I ' r