m. m- 10 The footTm If hoys won't over into Town 'last 'Friday rolfiJftmo witth Amos. The -score was 10 to Oiin favor of Ames but it was a fine game one that our boys have no occasion to 1)0 ashamed of. Auies mafic, one 'touch-down inoaclrbjttfcbaadr. sho earned tliom "both. Tt was jio'Snrfjl Amos lias a heavy 'team. Tier ooritoi' and 'ftv'o. guards weigh six hundred and sisfty pounds. All three of 'thorn are big fol lows 'likc'lTanson and Turner. They 'have boe'nftwiiiting since .luly while our 'hoys 'have practically only commenced. "Nebraska was somewhat weak in team work. The 'men have not worked together long enough to !hitfvo that rilw!k-Work rpreoision -whicih always wins. Interest in football is 'manifestly in creasing. 'Crowds of students gathorto watch (the practice; the numbor of warriors who don the armor and sally forth to "buck against" the first eleven is constantly increasing. 'Within the last week, the grounds Inrve been worked over into pretty good shape 'for 'the coming games, tip to the present "time the games scheduled for the team at 'Lincoln are as 'follows: Tarkio College, 'Got. 1(5; Wes lyunGct. 28; Missouri, Got. HO; AVeslcyun, undetermined; Ames, Nov. (5, (conditional;) Kansas, Nov. 'Iff. The Thanksgiving game with Town will beiplayed at Omaha as usuall. (Dr. 'Hustings has made arrangements 'by 'whidh men may receive credit for athletic "work. There will be a class in 'trade work throughout the year. Tt will 'be 'hold onto!' doors when the weather is suitable. A'hout twenty men have taken holflof the track team work. The 'Fresh. -Hojih. contest will come oil in a'boutten days. Donne'sohnl lougo is still in-the hands of a committee. (Ft Will iprObubly be accepted. The members of the frcshmani(ilnssmot last Friday and organized and clouted 'dflieers 'for ;Ohe first semester. The following officers won ole.(it!d: President, A.C. ;Lee; vice presi dont, Mr. 'Grimm; treasurer, Lewis'OJoodwill; secretary, Mr. Me'Law. 'Clommitteeson A.t'.h l(iti(js, 'by-laws and constitution wore ap pointed. Wosterfidld Iiiib mot nioveil. 'Me is still lmt 117N l.'lth St.nnu is giving the latest style in hair cuts. THIS : 'I'TKS'PttRTAN Tho'Oo-on 'is se'lliug stationary at n vry low 'figure. may squirm, prill, push or struggle, but some -collars will not fit some shirts. Our shirts and collars fit. Tacit us show yon some. 'Call and se tis anyway. CAPITAL SHIRT 'GO A. KtWTfEll, 'Lcnit'htjr Shirtmnhpr auii iFurit-ihcr. RAZORS 'Ground and set at 118 So. 13fch s'troo't (Ghai'ges Reasonable. Work Guaranteed. iDont lExperiment. rQet the best in the first place. wrnoKK a'uk FOUNTAIN 'PENS 'and IonrrtJiln Toni-i Yon wnilt tint CENTURY. PVioe tfi nml nip. FULLY WARRANTED A'sk your. agent to s'how'thom 'to you OeiotAHiy IP-em (Oo White water, Wiiu'iiimiii. Mfcae No ITistake Yoanvill liinl it to your ntlvitntiiKc when ittuii!U'if Clotltingy Hats OR Furaiisliiiig Goods to' cull on tin AriiirttrongClotlilng Co. 'l'licy opoi'iUtr u lii-Ht (iIiish Iioiihu ihronnhoiit mid flinir titttrunio'low prh'OH toputlior with their m-cr (ourtMiiiH tioutmoiit imvct tiitido tlioir Htorn th lxHt known uh wttll iik tho moHt poniihir of imy Hiinlhir institution iintlio Htiito. 'l'nidii with ihiini ttnil yon will ni'voriliuvienMiHon'to rRrU it. Armstrong Clothing (Qo. '1013 to S0B9 O Si.