T"""1-'" J"- THE : iikspuian r J net ion. 1 f anyone appears to lead he is en vied and his plans disapproved. If lie rises above ths crowd, he at once becomes the ob ject of criticism and may be charged with bossism' The legitimate outcome is that the organ ized crowd -wins; and then the other class cries "polities, dirty, bad, 'Illianous polities!'' And worse than all they say "college poli ties!1' We have no sympathy for them. If they are too stiff-necked to submit to leader Ship that can -win, it is but just retribution that tliev lose. They have vet to learn that a thousand men compactly organized are su perior to ten thousand in an indiscriminate mass. They must know that if a principle is worth contending for that it is -worth contend ing Avith every energy. "Yon can't make war -with milk and -water of roses." It may be prudent in some conflicts to adopt the method of the crusaders of old.nnd trust "The (Jrace of (Jod" to bring the .victory; hut it is well to appivhcnd that the "(-iraoe of God1" is uecKicuuy nnpoiom wnen mnicneu agamsi 0f ,.lee dniril wliich Hot awav Avifh self- pcrfcei organization and unscrupulous deader- -j,,, j athletics. He did not believe we A Chess Club is to be formed in the I'mi versity. It might be advisable to arrange a series of games with some other state Univer sity. This is one of the events of eastern in stitutions of learning and is uniformly ac knowledged to be beneficial. At West Point the Koyal game is taught, and indeed is made a part of the course of study. If the (Mid of education be to acquire the power to think and to think logically and consecu tively, then certainly this game may be. rank ed as a great means to the end sought. To know the game of chess is to understand an alysis, discrimination, and combination. It calls into action every power of the mind. It is not properly a pastime: it is a deep study. The small minority opposed to the game Is composed mostly of those utterly un familiar with It and consequently unqualified to express a fair opinion. lx- Ilas( inffN rrsills Dr. Hastings spoke Monday morning in chapel on The College Amateur." He spoke .shii AfJili AssocittJioxi. The jiinetiing of Hhe Athletic Association on Saturday morning was a uxoting success. The ( d of Discord held sway, -"Chance-ruled and Chaos judged the strife." Now and thou a burst of volcanic eloquence shook tihe window -panes and scared the batrf from their hiding places. "A confused conflict of un- werc lacking In the proper college spirit, but It vas only dormant, waiting to be brought out. He especially emphasized the necessity for -excluding professionalism in any form irom college spoil. With good clean athletics we will command recognition, because we deserve It. A breach ef honor on our pail has brought us into disgrace In the east and we nave re ceived a 'dressing down11 in the papers. It is bitter medicine, but we must bavoIIow it dhedked passion, a tangled (Hashing of unde- tfined interest,1" a never-ending volley, of and J hope we -will get well. Physical exer "Pouits of Order1 dilatory motions and ob- else accounts for the strength of the German stuumtive tactics but inadequately describe a nay,, 'for the dominacy of the English nation. the scene. The rag was masticated, charge suid count oraharge wore burled with reckless disregard of fact. The '-Milk of human kiud iuws'"1 was qpilled. It '"dogs of war'"' were Professionalism ruined athletics in Greece and Pome. Professionalism brings brutality and selfishness. "Let us see aw have no man on our team who has received eA'en a paltry dol- sTipped. A tyrannous amy orlty and a -deter- lar for athletic services, and that there is no mined minority eaiime toother only to pro duce a Aiolent explosion. 'I'Voni morn till noon1 the combat hwtd and -when the din ner bell rang the vocal gladiators said Amen! with a loud voice .and 'things Avwe Heft In tJwfatiH quo, '-w(liIch us being interpreted,11 In tt'h e sarnie stale. TJicd' N Lonthej ftolo Wyuiaiasinm SLobs 7.5c, Foot Fori)) Strove 12X8 O trtje1 ICsnu who has sold his birth aught for a mess of pottage' Dv. Hastilng1s remarks Avere heajliry cheered, showing that the student body is not in sympathy Avitli ' professionalism.'"" Dr. Clyde Davis, dttttist, 4iii floor Jtich aa'ds block.