The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tins-: n
R. & C. stands for Riohorson & Colo, the
popular harbors a I 1144 O Street.
The olass in preparatory chemistry wore
assigned desks Tuesday and Wednesday. The
delay was eaused by fixing the water supply.
Full line of tablets and history covers at
the Cooperative Book Co.
The first social at the college settlement
"was bold Thursday night at the settlement
Send to Jlartoshelnier ' V Jiooh Detl
for catalogue of So skent ni-usw.
Miss Anna Fossler writes from Chicago
that she is engaged there cataloguing books
sent from the State University but expects
'to start at once for Ohampagno, Illinois,
where her permanent employment is.
Mrs. King, state college secretary of the Y.
AV. C. A. addressed the Y. W. meeting at
the conservatory Sunday afternoon Oct. 'A.
The latest Street Car Time Table free at
'Gardners Tailor Shop. "Will make a suit or a
;pair of pants almost as cheap as ready made.
Suits pressed 50o, pants I5e, cleaning and re
pairing at lowest prices. Cor. 1 1th and (.) St.
Prof. Hastings is having the grounds put in
excellent shape for out door gymnastics. He
will also have charge of the class teams. By
giving some of t lie class work to assistants,
he 'will be able to give general athletics more
Everyone desires to keep informed on Yu
kon, Hhe IClondyke and Alaskan gold fields.
Send Me for large Compendium of vast infor
mation and big color map to -Hamilton Pub.
Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
L. E. Mumford visited at his home in Bea
trice Saturday and Sunday.
A Big Book About Band Instruments.
II you urn interested in a hand instrument of tiny
kind, or would liko to join a bund or dnnn corps,
yrfti cun obtain full information from tho bit' book
of 1H0 panes that Lynn mid Hualy, Oliieago,"' send
free upon upplicution. It contains upwurdu of 1000
illustrations, and gives tho lowest prices ever quot
ed upon band instruments.
A Oharming Book About Old Violins.
Violinists everywhere will hail with delimit the
beautifully printed and authoritatively written book
about Old Violins, just published b- Lyon &Tfealy.
lEithurof the abovo books oontfree ii otpapy'liun
tion'toUept. U, Lyon & iikaja', ilOti, Wabutlh Ave
nuo, Chicago.
The Co-op is selling stationary at a very
low figure.
Edith Patterson is now at Elm-park, Okla
homa. Scott & Shannon, tonsorial artists. S. E
corner 12th & 0 sts Give us a call
Louise Smith visited at her homo in Plats
mouth on Saturday and Sunday.
We do not break collars: they arc turned
by hand. The Best Laundry. 2249 0 street.
Tel. 579.
There are at least ton young men in the
University "who either own a daily paper Toute
or deliver daily papers in Lincoln.
"Wo sell all now and copy right music at
less than i oil". We have tho best line of oc
sheet music in the market and will send you
a catalogue on application.
Book Dkpt HuitPoiinsiMHR & Co.
The lecture on "Seminars and their Meth
ods" by Prof. Howard, was well attended 'by
Students from all tho Seminar classes.
Student's Club. Best table board S2.25.
Special rates on nicely furnished rooms, Jfur
nuee and bath. 1448 P st. Mrs. M. L. Joj'co.
The collego settlement Sunday school is
now thoroughly organized, with 0. T. Reedy
as suporintondant. Tho students should,
make it a part of their -work to visit and aid
in every Avay possible this movement. Tho
work needs you and you need tho -work.
Dr. ICotohum, Oculist and Aurist, Richards'
Block treats diseases of tho oyo, oar, nose
and throat, and is fully oquipod with instru
monts for fitting glasses -without mydriatics.
All fees reasonable.
Ellis MeCraekon, who was a prominent
member of the Union Boys' debating club, in
' 05 and '9(1 is now a flourshing poultry man
in Montgomery country, Iowa.
"Wo have a 10 karat gold (Fountain 'Pen
which we are soiling for SI. 19. It isgood
value at SI. 50 and is sold elsewhere as high
as $2.00. Wo still sell history paper at 5c
per 100 sheets. This is less than dealers can
buy it in largo quantities. Our "'University"
tablet and envolopes is the neatest thing -of
its kind in tho country. Use it once and you
will :use it always.
HiDiM'oiiiHDiHit &'Go. Book Dhpt.
Mens' Brown Canvass Gyhinasium Shoes 7oc, Foot 'Form Store 12 13 O stroot.