The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1897, Page 4, Image 4

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A(Iilti AHNociai.ion Mooting.
The Student Athletic Association mot in
tho ehapcl Saturday morning as per cull of
W. E. Andreson, president defaoto. A
motion was made to go into a committee of
t lie whole to consider tho legality of the re
cent election. Tho motion was promptly de
feated. Tho rest of tJio forenoon was consum
ed in attemps to correct tho minutes of the
last mooting. Tho attempt was successful
after three hours had been wasted by points
of order and dilatory tactics. The mooting
was a victory for the majority inasmuch as
tho minority was prevented from doing what
it had threatened to do, that of declaring tho
election illegal. Aside from this tho elo
quence, points of order and ill feeling availed
"I'm sick of it." Goo. Porter.
'I'd rather be right than vice-president."
Common Sense Reedj.
"T wish I could get out of this thing and
got oven with tho other follow at the sn'mo
time." Jim Fechet.
My Dear Mr. Pace: Dr. Ward is still a
member of the Board of Athletics. E. B. P.
Harry Landis claims that he has been cal
umniated since ho entered public life.
Should the slanderers be located he promises
to employ harsh measures.
Geo. Kindler was there, and so was O.
William Meier. George said a thing or two,
but O. William remained in the background.
Both are consistent statesmen and should
have been heard.
Tho Student Athletic Board composed of
Andreson, Porter, Perry, Landis and Fechot,
mot and elected Caldwell and Ward as mem
bers of the University Athletic, board. The
Tho vote stood Caldwell f, Ward 3, Barbour
1, Owens 1. The former two wore declared
The Senior class has elected E. R. Morri
son captain of the class foot-ball team.
David Lamport '00 made his parents, who
live at Cedar Bl lifts, a short visit this week.
Dr. Peterson oft'ei-s a one hour course in
Danish literature.
Grace Bey nolds is soloist in the First Con
gregational church.
Supt. Farley of Platsmouth was in chapel
Friday morning.
Tho V. V. C. A. will have a special meet
ing for the reception of new members. Sunday
Oct. 10. All girls are urged to Im present.
E. I). Banghnrt, R. M. Cushman and K.
W. Thatcher are assisting in the chemical
laboratory. Their work is mostly confined
to the proparitory classes.
Miss Maud Triplett n popular student and
member of Union Society has returned to tho
city. She will be welcomed especially in
musical circles.
Tlu condition of John Lewis' eyes com-
polled him to leave school before ho has really
begun. He will return to his homo near
Fairfield, Nebr.
At the P. B. D. C. meeting Saturday even
ing Garber and Meier hold that there should
bo a compulsory board of arbitration in labor
troubles. Watson and Stewart denied this.
At the mooting or theU. B. I). C. last Sat
urday, the following gentlemen signed the
constitution; J. A. Simpson, J. 1). Dasenbrock
W. It. Newcomb, W. F. Krelle. D. E. Tho
mas. A. IL Raiot, P. B. Weaver, ami Goo.
Hurgcrt Jr.
The Question; "Resolved, That the Feder
al Courts have exceeded their rights in tho
matter of injunction." will be discussed at
tho U. B. D. C. tomorrow evening. The af
firmative will bo represented by Hurk.
Marsh, and D. E. Thomas. The negative
will be uphold by Pope, Warren, and C. C.
Tellison. Business matters will be taken up
by the club promptly at 8 o'clock.
The Palladian Hoys' debating club held its
second regular meeting in Palladian hall Sat
urday evening. There was a large number
in attendance. At the dose of the session
fifteen were received into membership. The
question for debate next Saturday evening
will be: Resolved, that partisanship is of minor
importance in state and municipal elections.
Speakers on the atlirmative are J. S. Smoyer
and S. B. Sloan; negative. R. C. Waterman
and W. C. Green.