The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1897, Image 3

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    ' pjJE
No. I
An Old Ciinoe.
Overgrown with briars brown.
Tangled grasses for its gown,
Hattorcd. torn, and weather-worn,
Long forgotten, lost, forlorn.
Cast-oil liko n worn-out shoe
An old rotting birch canoe.
Soft the Indian-Summer light
Fnding, dies to forest-night;
Great pines loom in growing gloom
And interloping day gives room
To shades nil silent, stalking through
The woods around an old canoe.
.Ioskimi Andi:kws Sakmknt.
Tlio Knrnl 'ollfr Willy-1 Joy.
llu has just come down from a small college
and intends to take in the University this
year. He parts his hair in the middle: wears
his hat on the back of his head; and struts
around with his hands in his pockets in the
most approved style.
The girls receive his espeeial attention. He
ogles them as they pass and occasionally
makes a remark about that stunning girl or
that sweet make up. with the air of a con
noisseur. Whenever he. can he cornel's one of them
on the steps and tells how he broke all the
rules last year at M ; and how he likes to
go to "shows;'' and what a dandy wheel his
father gave him; and many other things of
equal interest to him. He then saunters
away whistling We'll have a hot time."
M. It. I).
The Senior class meeting Tuesday was a
decidedly noisy affair. It was all brought
about over the adoption of senior caps. The
boys will "wear canes and caps" and the
girls caps and gowns.
The Sophomores will give a "hop" at the
eapitol Out. 22.
' !Kliinlw Moot.
The Fleet rical Engineers met last Saturday
evening for the first time this year. A recep
tion and dance will probably take the place
of the usual electrical exhibit on Charter day.
Prof. Owens has secured the following pro
minent lecturers for the coming year: C. 1'.
Steinmetz of the (Jeneral Electric Company
will give ten lectures of tne "Application of
Complex Quantities to Alternating Current
Analysis." W. II. Sawyer, of the same com
pany will give two lectures on the "Conduit
System for Electric Kail ways." Kalph Mod
jiski, a consulting engineer, will give an il
lustrated lecture on the construction of the.
Davenport and liock Island bridge. It is
expected that L. Furgason will give one lec
ture on the Edison System in Chicago.
Talk about a youth who comes to school
with $200 of "dad's" money and goes broke
the first month; remark, if you will, about
the man who doesn't stand up for the TJni. in
athletics and oratory, forensic and otherwise,
discourse, as you please, about? slate officials
who "grab" the "plunks" of the common
wealth; dilate to satiety upon th'a domestic
relations of Chicago sausage grinders; but 1
can present a subject more contemptible still.
What of the individual who, like the hyena
on the battle field, hovel's about the hall till
the college papers are distributed that he may
swipe one toavoiOsubseribing! I've actually
seen it done. sir.
Prof. Hill, (to student in phychology class):
"What is meant by consciousness? I have
forgotten your name. What is it, please?
Student, (absorbed in studying conscious
ness): "I 1 don't believe I know, professor."
Teele to Janitor; What is that morgue like
odor about the library?
.Janitor; Oh that is from the dead silence
vou have been trying to preserve.
Ve never lose sight of the fact that your interest is ours Foot Form More 121.' 0 st