12 THE : HESPERIAN MAYER BROTHERS 112 to 126 N 10 st Clothing, flats, Furnishing Goods and Shoes Ready to Wear or Made to Order Best of Materials, Best Attention Lowest Prices fffwr II fiy 7& I T MO I A YOU may squirm, pull, push or struggle, but some collars will not fit some shirts. Our shirts aud collars fit. Let us show you some. Call and se us anyway. CAPITAL SHIRT CO A. KRONER, Leading Shlrtmaker and Fttrn ither, 0:?0 O Strcvi Armstrong Clothing Co. 1013 to 1009 O St Gentlemen You are invited to 800 My Special $15 and $17 Suits Made by hand. First class references can be furniphed as to my artistic ability Gleaning and repairing done correctly. Artistically yours, M- I. MflAI'GHLIN. 1240 O St Lincoln, Neb. RAZORS Ground and set at 118 So. 13th street Cltargcs Reasonable. Work Guaranteed. J. H. BROWN Dont Experiment. Get the best in the first place. THKKK ARK FOUNTAIN PENS antl Vomit ii In Imim You want ih. CENTURY. Price 2 ami up. FULLY WARRANTED Ask your agent to show them to you Century Pen Co Whitewater, Wisconsin. Make No Histake You will find it to your advantage when in need of Clothing, Hats Oil Furnishing' Goods to call on tli Armstrong Clothing Co. They oporato a fii'Ht class house throughout ami their extreme low prices together with the'r ever courtcoiM ticatmcut liuvi' made their store tin bent known at oll an the most popular of any similar institution in tlio Htatu. Trade with them ami you will never have ri'twm to regret it.