THE : HESPERIAN n As we said before Charles B. Gregory has ,-, coal to bum and at low prices. Students E- S- KING watch repairing please call and see our stock. a, u r Scientific- ias. JL. Uregory U. of N. '91 , dealer in coal, coke, wood. Refracting Optician Office 1100 0 St. Phone 343 . 1300 o St. Lincoln, Neb. wfflBk V& Silver Medal awarded at Photographers' National Convention, Jamestown N. Y., June, !7. ' TRUNKS, VALISES Elegant Line pket For summer Tourists and others BookS,CardCaseS,Leather old trunks in EXCHANGE ME new ones. Belts and Novelties. impairing a Specialty. Wirick's Trunk Factory, 1217 O Sto Students will please notice that THE DOMESTIC DINING HALL has Hi iu-e.l management It is nw in the hands of Mrs. S, M. TURBETT an exparien I lady 111 this wrk. Stn UnU will receive prompt attention ' The Place, cor. lath&PSts. Meals 10c, Mullctt Bros. Photographic Supply Co. 518 Walnut St. KANSAS CITY, - MISSOURI Photographic Material and Apparatus Agents for Cramer's, Carbutt's, Ham mer's and Seed's Dry Plates. Write for prices and particulars. First National Bank Ilnoln. r"olrulji. CAPITAL - 8iOO,0(K).() CataptorcJiin for ptiintcJiMng. DR. F. D. SHERJVIN, DENTIST, Room 17 Burr Block, Second Floor J. I-i.tfien p II. R. Wlliw,,, nay vr. . !ite,.i,,s T, ylMWlT, afetim G John h. Carwnj, President, I. V. Mulr, Caliler. II, l Freeman Ai"J Qithler, lllh and O Stt I iucoln V h THE RAOYbLE Has WuumXy fwrtwt mink liatigxr with qnartor l pr-jMiv tm Iwuriiitrft. AIo irin ICopalrliiKrxuKl HunclrtM. .. . GIRARD C0. IS H0111I1 J ;' Mtt'vl.