The Hesperian / (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1899, October 08, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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Alumni No(4'K.
.1. II. Hooper. 90, is to be married to
Miss Ona Aloott on October 12.
C. S. Lobingier, who graduated from the
University in 'SS, was in the city last week.
Percy Powers was seen about the University
last Saturday.
The girls of "97 have formed a permanent
Norman Shreve, '97, is principal of the
North loup Schools.
Of the twenty-three instructors ill the Lin
coln High School, twelve are University
Miss Florence Smith, '94, is attending some
lectures at the university, though she is still
unable to take up regular work.
Mr. 1". .J. 1 .arson, and wife, of Omaha.
11 : Ol" E.rftW No(K.
D. .1. Riley of St. Mary's College, Kans..
is one of the new men.
Richard Uagelin, a well known Cedar coun
ty instructor, has registered for work.
R. Moyer of Oakland has taken up work
with ths class of '99.
The class of '09 has two lady members;
Mrs. Orckett and Miss Stull.
Professor G. H. Walters of Lincoln Nor
mal, has enrolled for junior work.
W. H. Miller "97, is smiling on University
friends this week. He expects to hang up
his shingle out in Idaho.
Among the academic students who are tak
ing law work arc: Maguirc, Lien, Hager,
Rickctts, Brown, and Perry.
The senior class will have an enrollment of
were renewing University acquaintances Mon- wr fort" t,,e Junior t,lsiss enrollment will
dav. Mr. Lirson. who "eradnateil in '1)3. is rwu'1' lhti ixt.v ,,,ark- This is the largest
practising law.
the attendance in the law college has ever
Full sets of the Michigan and Kansas re
ports have recently been added to the library.
More text book- will be added iit the near
Messrs Cunningham and Singhous have re
turned. Singhous looks no worse for his va
cation but Cunningham dora he has been
trying to grow a mustache.
Members of the class of 99 will meet next
week to organize and elect oiHcers. As yet
the men in the class are almost strangers to
each other and there will probably be vavy
little politics in this election.
The Junior Class has Klemeniarv Liw tin
der Dean Reese and Domestic Relations un
der Prof. Bobbins. Tin' Senior Class has Ev
idence under Wilson, Common Law Pleading
under Robbins and Equity under Webster.
The Maxwell club will meet Saturday even
ing to elect ofliccn-. This club nromiscs to
Miss Susan Pillsbury class of 1iH, has been le one of the strongest forensic organizations
engaged in the Schuyler schools iw the year, in the university during the coming year. A
Kraiik Rain went to Fairbury Tuo&lay to J1 debate with the Missouri Ijw College is
attend the wedding of Miss Lu'ile Cross and a possibility.
Rev. F. W. Russell. Westcriield has not moved. He is still at
Dcljoss T. Smiib sells and repairs watches 117 N 13tli SLaml is giving the latest sty
jewelry, etc. 1 140 O Si. in hair cuts.
Ladies' Box Onlf Shoes Nobby Styles $2 50 Foot Form Store 1213 O street:
Mr. R. D. Reid, '9(5, has made Lincoln his
headquarters, and will do post-graduate work
this year.
A. W. Martin. 15. L. lM, is in the city for
a few days on business. He is located in
A. O. Peterson: "9(5, was a visitor at the
University this week. He is attending the
Creighion Medical College at Omaha.
H. C. Parmelee of the chiss of '97, who is
now teaching in Beatrice, spentSatnrday and
Sunday with University friends.
R. A. Trail of the class of 97 and propri
etor of the Capital City Coal Company 1228
O street was nominated for county surveyor
on the fusion ticket last Tut? lay evening.
Miss Dena loomis and Mr. Shedd 97. both
teachers in the Lincoln high school, have en
tered the graduate seminar in American History.